OpenSourceInitiativeVerified account


Global non-profit: promotes and protects open source software, development & communities through education and advocacy. Yes, we coined the term!

Palo Alto, CA
Joined November 2011
Born on February 03

@OpenSourceOrg is blocked

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  1. In reply to

    Thanks so much to for all your support.

  2. When I've checked my mailbox there was an gift.Thanks, the other open source project stickers feel safer now.

  3. "Today, is being used by several enterprises to make their software products better"

  4. "How to throw a tarball over the wall" by former OSI Director and President,

  5. Desire to be part of & contribute but don’t know how? lack skills? don’t have time? Here's help:

  6. Open Tech Center: research/dev entity sponsored by to integrate in national defense & security:

  7. "we encourage everyone to contribute their time, energy and resources to making accessible to everyone."

  8. Happy to read "has long been a proponent of ." They even point to the OSD & our logo!

  9. "It’s a no-brainer to us that free and should be the default for governments"

  10. "There’s always more we can do to improve diversity in the and technology communities in general"

  11. "Our goal is to help more girls and women to become involved in, and contribute back to, the community."

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