Brian Klaas


How Fake Democracies Damage Real Ones

Madagascar shows what happens when the world treats a corrupt regime like a functioning democracy.


The Devil We Know in Minsk

Europe is about to let its last dictator in from the cold. Here's why it should demand change instead.


Why Tunisia Absolutely, Totally Deserves the Nobel Peace Prize

Even as the Arab Spring was falling apart around them, Tunisians opted for the difficult path of dialogue and compromise. Now their persistence has been rewarded.


Today, Tunisia Is Tested

Can the country that has been the Arab Spring’s success story maintain national unity and avoid repression after today’s deadly attack?


Bridging the Two Tunisias

So far Tunisia's revolution has managed to bridge the gap between secularists and Islamists. But can that precarious accord make it through election season?


The Long Shadow of Ben Ali

How a decades-old fake coup attempt is taking its toll on Tunisia.


The Curse of Low Expectations

Lessons for democracy from Madagascar's election.

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About Brian Klaas

Brian Klaas is a Fellow in Comparative Politics at the London School of Economics and the author of The Despot's Accomplice: How the West is Aiding & Abetting the Decline of Democracy.



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