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Last Updated: Wednesday, 27 June 2007, 12:58 GMT 13:58 UK
Cameron praises Blair achievement
Conservative leader David Cameron
David Cameron wished Mr Blair well in the future
Conservative leader David Cameron has praised Tony Blair for the "remarkable achievement" of being prime minister for 10 years.

Speaking to Mr Blair for the final time across the Commons, he congratulated him on his career and wished him well "in whatever he does in the future".

Mr Blair thanked him for his remarks and wished him and his family well.

As Mr Blair left the Commons with the words "that is that, the end", he was given a standing ovation by the house.

Mr Cameron said: "On behalf of everyone on these benches, can I congratulate him on his remarkable achievement of being prime minister for 10 years.

We wish him every success in whatever he does in the future
David Cameron
Conservative leader

"For all of the heated battles across this dispatch box, for 13 years he has led his party; for 10 years he has led our country, and no-one can be in any doubt in terms of the huge efforts he has made in terms of public service."

He added: "He has considerable achievements to his credit, whether it is peace in Northern Ireland, whether it is his work in the developing world which I know will endure."

'Tough on family'

With Mr Blair's wife Cherie and their four children watching the session from the public gallery, Mr Cameron said: "I'm sure that life in the public eye has sometimes been tough on his family.

"So, can I say on behalf of my party, that we wish him and his family well, and we wish him every success in whatever he does in the future".

Mr Blair thanked Mr Cameron for his tributes, and said he had always found him to be "proper, correct and courteous" in his dealings with him.

It will require a huge intensity of focus and work
Tony Blair on his new role

He said he could not wish the Tory leader well politically, but added: "Personally I wish both him and his family very well indeed".

Mr Cameron asked Mr Blair about how the emergency services were coping with the flooding in parts of England which has affected hundreds of homes and businesses and in which at least four people have died.

He also asked what Mr Blair's priority would be once he becomes a Middle East peace envoy for the grouping known as the quartet (the US, UN, EU and Russia) - a job he has already accepted, with an official announcement due later.

Alan Johnston

Mr Blair said: "The absolute priority is to try to give effect to what is now the consensus across the international community that the only way of bringing stability and peace to the Middle East is a two-state solution, which means a state of Israel that is secure and confident of its security, and a Palestinian state that is not merely viable in terms of its territory, but in terms of its institutions and governance.

"I believe it is possible to do that, but it will require a huge intensity of focus and work."

Mr Cameron also raised the issue of BBC journalist Alan Johnston, who has been held captive since March in Gaza. Mr Blair repeated his call for the immediate release of the journalist.

Cameron praises Blair in the Commons

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