Album Review

Blackest Lava – Darker Triangle (self released, 2011)

Blackest LavaMidnight Horror (self released)

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Total fucking annihilation. Just one dude bringing the whole world down. This is short (about 10 minutes) but free, and is probably the biggest bang for your buck you’ll get all week. This is some of the best black metal noise on the market, flecked with grind & doom and caked in filth. This is so blown out, the sound actually drops out, moments when its burning in the red and it’s just static crackle. The vocals are almost indistinguishable from anything else, the instruments non-existent, everything is a crumbling mess of noise exploding from your speakers, a raw necro wasteland from the depths of a desert hell, burnt, charred, and scarred, nothing as brutal as this. Unbelievably awesome. He’s posted a bunch of his albums for free on Bandcamp, ranging from black ambient to… this nightmare inducing acid bath. So get the fuck over there and support this madman.