Album Review

Katze – Berg (Individual Lines, 2012)

KatzeChomsky (Individual Lines)

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Two of Boston’s coolest cats… dogs, the prepared violin wielding Morgan Evans-Weiler and Noell Dorsey, mostly known from her spectacular vocal fuckery in Jajuno Trio, Beautiful Weekend, Guillermo Sexo, etc, have teamed up for some bizarre shit as Katze, using mostly the voice/violin aesthetic and tweaking things out with various objects & electronics. Although they’ve been playing around town for quite a bit, Berg is their debut and it’s a fucking winner. Like some musique concrète version of X-Files, it’s dark & eerie, making just enough sense to put you at ease while still confusing the fuck out of you. High end shrill, refrigerator whir, mini rain drop static, eye bending drone, and spaced out noise, full of intention, subtle whispers and abrasive freakouts. All around amazing, but the best parts are when it’s just voice & violin, it’s like a match made in avant garde heaven, they work so perfectly together it’s a shame it took so long to happen. Lets just hope it’s not a one-off.