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  北京大学微观经济学课程主要内容包括:(1)微观经济学的前提及概述;(2)均衡价格的决定;(3)消费者行为;(4)生产者行为;(5)完全竞争市场;(6)不完全竞争市场;(7) 生产要素价格的决定;(8)一般均衡和福利经济学;(9)市场失灵和微观经济政策。
  《微观经济学》是我国教育部高等教育面向21世纪教学内容和课程体系改革计划的必修课程之一,它不仅被列为高等学校经济类8门核心课程之中,而且是工商管理类各专业9门核心课程之一。对于那些想学好经济学理论及相关知识体系的学生来说, 能否学好《微观经济学》直接影响学生对其他经济学课程的理解和掌握。
  Microeconomics is the analysis of the economic behavior of individual economic units , and to indicate that the operation and role of the market mechanism in modern Western economic society , as well as the ways to improve this run .
  Its main contents include : (1) assumptions of Microeconomics and its overview; (2) equilibrium price ; (3) consumer behavior ; (4) producer behavior ; (5) perfect competive market ; (6) imperfect competitive market ; (7) equilibrium price of production factor; (8) general equilibrium and welfare economics ; ( 9) market failures and microeconomic policies.
  Summer School:
  This is an introductory course in microeconomics, which covers the fundamental theories of the consumer, the firm, and markets. It is a required course for any student wishing to major or minor in business or economics, and it is recommended for any student who would like to understand how the market economy works. This course also meets the social science requirements of the core curriculum, since you will be exposed to major questions concerning human and institutional behavior
  This course has the prerequisites of Principle of Economics and Calculus.
After completing this course, students should have developed a range of skills enabling them to understand economic concepts and use those concepts to analyze specific questions.
  Understand consumer behavior and firm behavior.
  Analyze different types of market structures (monopoly, oligopoly and a competitive market).
  Understand how to apply economic principles to a range of policy questions.
  Solve a consumer`s utility maximization problem mathematically and graphically;   analyze the impact of changes in price and income on a consumer`s decision via shifting income and substitution effects.
  Solve a firm`s cost minimization problem mathematically and graphically.
  Analyze the behavior of firms in a perfectly competitive market in the short-run and the long-run.
  Calculate producer and consumer surplus.
  Analyze the behavior of firms in a monopoly or oligopoly, and calculate the resulting changes in producer or consumer surplus.
  Use economic tools to analyze economic policies.
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