
Annual Reports
Annual Reports on the academy's activities for the year are published at the end of each year. They are distributed electronically, in hard-copy, and are also available for download.
International program reports
International program reports are submitted by the recipients of the grant of the International programs; on the activities undertaken and the findings and recommendations. These reports are available for download.
Palmer Review
The Palmer Review was set up by academy in order to conduct an internal review of its structures, systems and processes in 2009. This review had been undertaken by Professor Ian Palmer, Deputy Pro Vice-Chancellor of Business Research and Dean of the School of Graduate Research at RMIT. The methodology of the Palmer Review involved extensive interviews with secretariat staff, documentary analysis, discussions with presidents and ex-presidents, focus groups with Fellows in Melbourne and Sydney, and a short online survey of the Fellows. If you have any queries about the Palmer Review, please contact the secretariat.
Roundtable reports
Roundtable reports provide a summary of the proceedings of the Roundtable discussions, key points emerging from the discussion and some recommendations emerging from them. These reports are available for download.
Workshop reports
Workshop reports are submitted by the recipients of the grant of the Workshops programs; on the activities undertaken and the findings and recommendations. These reports are available for download.