What’s New

GSI Team & News Report

  • The Shame and Horror of Nuclear Weapons

    by William Swing and Tyler Wigg Stevenson The following excerpt originally appeared on TheWeek.com on August 7, 2015.  […] As preachers, we know that the Bible’s Psalms tell us that “the…

  • The Iran Deal: Steps Toward the Common Good

    This article originally appeared on the Huffington Post, August 3, 2015. We should be grateful to the diplomats for ensuring no further proliferation of nuclear weapons in a volatile region. The…

  • President Obama: A Chance to Lead

    The below article, by Jonathan Granoff, was originally published in the Huffington Post on May 2, 2015.  This month at the United Nations, 190 nations will gather to review the…

Disarmament & Peace Education

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    Nobel Laureates for a Nuclear Weapons-Free World

      Nobel Peace Laureates are an important voice for a safer, saner planet. Through the World Summits of Nobel Peace Laureates, they call the world’s attention to the dangers of…

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    Take action! Here’s what you can do.

    “A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”—Margaret Mead Support Disarmament Campaigns The momentum towards nuclear disarmament has never been…

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    Disarmament and Peace Education program

    The Disarmament and Peace Education section of this website is intended for people who care about eliminating nuclear weapons and want to become involved, but feel they need to learn…

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    Country Profiles

    Who has nuclear weapons? How did they acquire them? Which countries renounced the nuclear arms race and when? Nuclear Weapon States that signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty China France Russia United…

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BiPartisan Security Group

Bipartisan Security Group

BSG is dedicated to providing reliable information and analysis of global security issues to Members of Congress and their staff, with an emphasis on arms control, nonproliferation, and disarmament.

Middle Powers Initiative

Middle Powers Initiative

Through the Middle Powers Initiative, eight international non-governmental organizations are able to work primarily with "middle power" governments to encourage and educate the nuclear weapons states to take immediate practical steps that reduce nuclear dangers, and commence negotiations to eliminate nuclear weapons.

Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation

Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament

PNND is a global network of over 800 parliamentarians from more than 80 countries working to prevent nuclear proliferation and achieve nuclear disarmament. Membership is open to current members of legislatures and parliaments at state, federal, national and regional levels.