7 Travel Photography Tips for the Beginner

7 travel photography

There’s nothing quite like visiting new places or revisiting those that you love. Capturing the character of those places and their people in images is a rewarding experience in its own right and can be a lucrative one, too. To really make the most of it, though, you need to do more than just show up and start snapping. In this article, I’ll be sharing some tips with you that should immediately add impact, and thereby, value to your travel photos.

Think About Why You’re Going

What was it that made you choose this destination? Sand and sun? Interesting culture? The people of the area? Maybe it’s a business trip and you didn’t choose the locale. If that’s the case, finding out what interests you in the area will

10 Vital Tips for Wedding Photographers

10 vital tips for wedding photographersTen quick but useful tips for the wedding photographer

As any veteran wedding photographer will tell you, wedding photography is never as a straightforward as taking a few snaps.

From family politics, to logistical challenges, you’ll be expected to capture the happiest day of a couple’s life in stunning images which capture a couple’s connection, while remaining an unobtrusive presence right at the heart of somebody else’s celebration.

Get the perfect shots and your clients will be able to enjoy the memory of their special day for decades. Get it wrong, and you’ll tarnish happy memories of a romantic occasion. But it doesn’t have to be as scary as it sounds.

Whether you’re about to embark on your first wedding photography gig, or are already getting started in the profession, these 10 tips will help you get perfect shots and not step on any toes…

1. Talk to your clients

It might sound simple, but this really is the most essential part of your job. Getting to know the couple and understand their characters and taste will help ensure you get the

Top 5 Things You Should Look For In A Camera Bag

 Top 5 Things You Should Look For In A Camera Bag

1. Comfort

A camera bag has to be above all comfortable. The more gear you pack, the heavier it becomes and the harder it will be to carry. There are plenty of formats to choose from, including shoulder bags, slings, cases and backpacks. We favor the later. A backpack is always going to be the easiest way to carry a heavy load, thanks to the equal distribution of weight on your shoulders. Some backpacks like the Ikigai Rival have sculpted back panels that make the bag even more comfortable to carry.

2. Durability

Even a low budget beginner’s kit will set you back at least $1k. You want to protect that investment as best you can and buying a good bag is the safest way. The durability of a bag is something very important. After

How Security Screens Are Better Than Cameras And Alarms

When it comes to home protection, anything you can do to deter burglars is money well spent. Most burglars are opportunists. They look for the easiest targets. At a glance, they can see what protective measures are in place. They may be put off by alarms and cameras, but these security options will not prevent them getting access.

Burglars can easily hide their faces when breaking into a home or business that is protected by cameras. Alarms are great, but burglars can ignore them. They work on the basis that they can be in and out of a home or business that has an alarm system installed before any security staff or police can get to the scene.

A security expert in Las Vegas advises home and business owners to step up security by adding door and window screens. Not just any old screens, but ones that are unbreakable. Standard screens are often fitted just to keep insects out. Owners want to have fresh air blowing in, but leaving windows open allows flies, mosquitoes and a host of other insects to make themselves at home.

The obvious solution is to fit screens. These come

Video Production Services Offer High-Quality Products for Both Individuals and Business People

Video production services are not only associated with filmmaking and other professions, as nowadays there are a wide variety of corporations and businesses, and even individuals, who need professionally-made videos for a variety of purposes. Whether you are a bride wanting a videographer for your wedding or a corporate executive who needs training or informational videos for an upcoming board of directors meeting, professional production companies offer excellent, high-quality products at prices you can afford. Furthermore, finding the right production company for your needs is usually just a matter of starting with the Internet, since most of these companies have comprehensive websites that contain all the details you need to make an informed decision.

High-Quality Videos at Excellent Prices

Professional videos cannot be made by just anyone. Only a professional production company can offer the expertise you need to make sure you end up with the best video possible. These companies have design, production, and even colour experts on staff who know how to bring everything together in a way that makes your video look crisp and clear and gets its intended message out. Video companies offer a wide variety of products, including:

  • Wedding videos

Basic Covert Camera Tips And Information

When it comes to surveillance systems there are a lot of overt solutions available in the marketplace, and it can be quite simple to put together a basic surveillance kit for your home or business. What about the times that overt surveillance is unacceptable however? It is in these situations that we turn to covert solutions, and it is a good idea to have some basic information and tips about covert surveillance.


This is first and foremost something that should be kept in the back of your mind when planning a covert surveillance package. Each state has its own regulations concerning covert surveillance, and the federal government also has a few of its own. Knowing this you should do some research in your area to find out what the different laws might be.

Whether it’s displaying a sign to advise people about the use of covert surveillance or just not having cameras in certain areas; you should have a good amount of knowledge about the subject before proceeding with installation.

Furthermore if audio recording is part of any of your covert surveillance equipment; then you will need to look up the laws behind audio recording as they differ and are generally more strict

Used Digital Camera Tips And Tricks

Here are some used digital camera tips and tricks that will help you choose the best camera with years of use left. The first thing to do is try the camera and see how easy it is to use. Consider the ease of use as well as how it feels while you are holding it, as well as how easy it is to control all the buttons. This is very important when selecting any camera. The next thing to buying a used camera is checking the picture clarity and focus. The camera needs to be fast shooting or you could lose that perfect shot.

The other used digital camera tips and tricks are more for advanced users, but easy enough for the beginner to check as well. Take the batteries out and then place them back in the camera to make sure there are no errors reported. Take the memory card out and then place it back in the camera. These two steps are important for checking the cameras integrity. The next thing to do is focus on subjects that are close to you and take the picture. Review the image to see how the background looks. If the background is

8 Indoor Portrait Photography Tips

Here are some indoor portrait photography tips that does not require you to have access to expensive studio lightings, but will still be able to produce professional indoor portraits.

What say you if there are ways you can conduct indoor portrait photography at the comfort of your own home? Although with only one light source, you can still take photographs that look stunning. All you’ll need is an angle-poise lamp.

8 Tips For Indoor Portrait Photography :

Photography Tips #1 – Background

To begin, position your subject to be sited in front of a light absorbing black velvet. The velvet creates a black background for your photo shoot. As to support the velvet, you can use about anything to hold it up. A bookcase for instance, is good enough.

Photography Tips #2 – Lighting Tips

After your model is comfortably sited, adjust the lamp so that it is positioned just slightly above his/ her head. Also, have the lamp positioned towards the right side of your model. This light setting will create a classic and stunning portrait photography result.

There are many other lighting effects you can try out. So go wild with creativity and don’t limit yourself.

Photography Tips #3 – Fast Shutter Speed

Set your shutter speed

Amazing Tips And Techniques For Night Photography

Here are a couple of tips to click photos in the night:

Get to know your camera:
If you do not have a hard copy of the manual of your camera, there should be a copy available online. Many cameras do not come with a manual these days, just with a CD which has it. You can also view the in-camera help to help you clicking photos.
Read the Manual:
If you have a decent DSLR camera, familiarise yourself with it and click pictures trying all the different features out. This can help in clicking the exact photos that you want at night.

Invest in Low-light Camera Components:
Start investing in gear that can enhance your shots at night. With the right kind of gear, you can capture a picture the way you want it to come out. Few components that can help you clicking in the night better are a headlamp with an LED, a cable release and a sturdy tripod.
Choose the right time of the Night:
There are many different pictures that you can take at different times in the night. Each hour has its own beauty when it comes to clicking a photograph. So take out a night

13 things that are important to achieving great looking images and to keep growing as a photographer.

1. Hold your camera right.

Sounds simple… but holding your camera correctly is very important. Grip the camera with your right hand from behind with your fingers horizontal around the side, your indicator finger on top near the shutter button and your thumb steadying the whole thing from the back. Use your left hand to steady the camera from underneath, especially underneath the lens where it meets the camera bodies.

2. Stand & breathe right

Believe it to not, how you stand is also important, if you stand with your legs together you are more likely to sway than if you stand with them apart. Often one leg in front of the other works.

3. Learn to focus manually and create a story at the same time

If you shoot a person pointing at the camera and focus at their eyes, or if you shoot the same person pointing and focus on their finger you will get a completely different story from the same composition.

4. Learn to anticipate light and settings

This is an especially good practice for street and travel photography where you want to catch the spontaneity of the moment and not lose it while changing modes and fiddling with settings.

Set up your camera

12 Mobile Photography Tips Every Photographer Should Know

1. Clean The Lens

Your iPhone spends a lot of time in your pocket, a bag or in your hand, and as a result it will get dirty. Dirt, dust, grease and fingerprints on your lens will have a big effect on the quality of your photos.

There’s no point trying to take great photos if the glass of the lens is dirty. It will block light from entering the camera’s sensor and will leave smudges, blurs or dust spots on your images. A clean lens will ensure you get sharp, clear images with your iPhone.

You should clean the lens each time you take it out to take a photo. Use a soft lens cloth when doing this as any abrasive cleaners will scratch the glass over the lens and this will result in poorer image quality.

2. Set The Focus

The most important thing to look out for when taking a photo is to make sure that your subject is in sharp focus. To set the focus on the iPhone camera you simply tap the screen where your subject is in the frame. A small yellow square will appear to confirm the focus point.

If your subject is moving around, make sure you tap

Depicting Motion in Photography

A photograph captures a single moment in time. And it is the beauty of the ephemeral moment that makes it such an enduring and emotive art form. But what if you want to photograph wildlife in action, a car hurtling round a racetrack or the movement of tall grass in the breeze? If you know how to depict motion photographically, your images will come to life instantly. Here is a brief outline of how you can use different shutter speeds and panning to introduce movement into your photographs.

Be prepared to practice. Motion capture photography takes time and patience – and a good deal of luck. And even then there is no guarantee you’re going to get it right every time. You need to really get to know your camera and learn how its shutter speed impacts on the outcome of your shots. A good eye and a tripod are always a big help too.

One way of depicting extreme velocity is by blurring the subject of your photograph, while keeping the background in focus. An example of this would be a shot of a blurred racing car in the foreground with a pin-sharp spectator standing in the background. Or, as you

10 Beyond-Basic Photography Tips

Digital photography can be an addicting hobby. The medium offers instant feedback that you didn’t get with film (unless you were shooting Polaroid), and large memory cards allow you to experiment with angles and lighting to your heart’s content. If you’re past the beginner stage, photography is your passion, and you’re looking for some new ideas to help improve your shooting experience, check out these 10 advanced tips for some inspiration. If you have any tips that you’d like to share, please feel free to add them to the comments section.

1. Shoot in Raw. Most digital cameras are set to capture files in JPG format by default. This is very convenient, as it allows you to quickly share files with friends and family—without the need for post-processing. But you’re giving up a lot of control by not shooting in Raw—which is an unprocessed file that contains the image as the camera’s sensor captured it. A Raw file allows you to tweak colors, exposure, black levels, sharpness, and other attributes with much more flexibility than an already-compressed JPG allows.

Off-Camera Lighting

2. Consider Off-Camera Lighting. You may have already added a dedicated flash to your camera so that you can avoid the harsh

10 Quick Tips to Fix Your Bad Photos

Digital photography has democratized the medium. More people are taking more photos than ever before, and they’re sharing them online with friends and family in record numbers. It’s easy to place the blame on the camera (or your smartphone) if your images aren’t as nice as some others you see online, but by following a few guidelines you can improve the quality of your photos—without having to shell out big bucks for a new camera. Keep these 10 easy tips in mind next time you head out to capture the world around you. And if you have any tips that have helped you take better pictures, please share them in the comments section.

1. Get Basic Composition Down. The heart of a photograph is its composition—the position of different elements in a frame. The easiest rule of thumb to learn and remember is the Rule of Thirds. Basically, you’ll want to break your frame into nine squares of roughly equal size. Try and align the subject of your photo along these lines and intersections and imagine the main image divided over these nine boxes. This gives you a more dramatic, visually interesting shot than one where you subject is located dead


Sometimes I feel like I spend so much time reading photography tricks and tips online that I never see anything new anymore.  So, I set out to make this useful collection of some weird and cool photography tricks that aren’t your usual run-of-the-mill variety.

I hope you find some joy and learn a new tip or two.  When you’re done, comment below with what cool photography hacks you’ve learned!


Want to take a group photo but don’t have a place to set the camera?  Just whip the lamp shade off a lamp and screw your camera onto the lampshade-holder.

The thread size of the bolt on a lamp shade is exactly the same size as the filter thread used on tripods, so your camera will easily attach.

Not only will your party and indoor pictures look better, but you’ll look like MacGyver in front of the group.  Not bad.  This tip doesn’t come in handy every day, but you’ll like the coolest photography nerd on the planet when the situation arises.


Shooting photos of kids can be quite the feat.  It seems like they are interested in looking at everything BUT the camera.  I have two

22 Steps To Become a More Successful Photographer

1. Find the Passion and Make a Plan.

Two types of people are more likely to find this PhotographyTalk.com article helpful: those that want to be photographers, but have very little experience and those that may have been shooting for years, but want to progress beyond the beginner’s stage.

Whether “success” for you is becoming a “serious” amateur photographer or acquiring the skills and experience to make photography your career, you must honestly evaluate yourself to be sure you have the drive and passion to succeed, especially if your goal is to be a pro.

The important first step, therefore, is to determine your current status as a “photographer” and use that as a starting point. Then, create a basic plan of what you must do to advance. The steps in this article may be many of the same in your plan.

2. Be One with Your Camera.

Regardless of what kind of camera you already own, learn all of its features and capabilities thoroughly, so you’re never asking yourself, “I wonder what this button does?” or “What does that symbol mean on the menu?”

3. Learn Photography Techniques.

Next, learn all of the photography techniques that are possible with your camera. Even

What You Need to Know Before Buying Used Camera Gear

Let’s face it – photography equipment isn’t cheap. Whether you’re looking for your first DSLR or you’re a seasoned pro looking for a great deal on a 200mm telephoto lens, buying used equipment can be a great way to get the gear you want without spending a ton of money.

But, just like buying anything used, problems can arise when making a purchase of used equipment. So, before you dive in and click the purchase button, consider these tips for making the most of your purchase.

What to Look for When Shopping for a Used Camera

There are all sorts of things to look at when you’re considering a used camera. Here’s a few of the most important considerations to make:

What is the physical condition of the camera?

Ask about everything from the battery terminals to the buttons. What works? What, if anything does not? Be sure to address the sensor as well. Ask the seller to take a few shots with the camera and send them to you. Inspect the images at maximum zoom, looking for any imperfections like spots, lines, or spider webbing, which are indicative of dirt, hair, or worse, fungus, on the sensor.

What is the shutter count?

The shutter count for

Cleaning Camera Sensors

The truth about cleaning camera sensors…maybe!

Disclaimer – The nature of this article does in no way mean that I condone the repetition of its contents. Nor do I suggest for one minute that anyone copies my actions, this is just to alleviate some of the unnecessary panic and stress when faced with a dirty sensor…its not that bad!

I am by no means an expert and the reason I am writing this short article for All Things Photography is not to make any recommendations or suggestions but simply to point out a few facts and mistakes to avoid.

So to start – The Dirty Sensor – How does it happen?

Many believe that leaving the camera switched on when changing lenses causes the electronic “charge” to act like a magnet and attract dust that way. I am not so sure about this as the mirror and shutter should be closed anyway therefore preventing any dust being attracted to the sensor during this time.

The most obvious reason is probably due to lack of care and attention. Taking the lens off in a clean, wind-free environment is your best bet to keeping things dust-free inside the camera.

Any dust that gets in (and it will) during lens changes will eventually

Tips of the Week: Five Essential Composition Tips That Will Make Your Photos Shine

Our Tips of the Week focuses on five critical aspects of composition, that, when used well, will make an immediate, positive impact on your photographs.

Compose the Chaos

If you’re photographing a scene that is extremely busy and complex – like the open air market in the image above – it’s important that you compose the image such that your intended subject stands out from the crowd.

A very simple method of bringing order to a chaotic scene is by isolating your subject in some way. You can use natural elements, like sunlight or shadows, trees, geographic features, or even fog to force the viewer’s eye toward your subject. You can also utilize human-made elements like doorways, tunnels, or windows, again, to direct the viewer’s eye toward the focal point of the scene.

Mind the Edges

In the rush to snap an image before the moment passes, it’s easy to neglect what’s happening on the edges of the frame. There might be a branch, an odd shadow, a random arm, or some other feature that you didn’t notice at the time, but upon review completely ruins the look and feel of the image.

The key here is to work with purpose, but not so quickly that

Top 5 Mistakes People Make When Choosing a Camera

So, you’re finally ready to buy that camera you’ve been promising yourself. With all the awesome photo gear that hits the market almost daily, finding the right camera for you may sound like an easy proposition, but it’s actually quite common to get it wrong. There’s a lot to know and a lot of advertising to wade through, and a surprising number of first-time camera buyers end up regretting their initial choices. In this article, I’ll point out some of the most common mistakes made in choosing cameras and how to avoid them.

1. Being unrealistic about your motivation level

Learning to use a DSLR camera correctly is a challenge in itself. Add on the process of learning to create stunning images with one and you’re looking at something that can easily overwhelm the casual shooter. Before you invest in the professional model, consider carefully how much time and effort you want to expend. If you’re more interested in having fun with your