Thousands of Courses. All From ASHA Approved CE Providers.

Find a CEU Course

Find courses offered for ASHA CEUs that will meet your educational and professional goals, as well as assist you in maintaining certification and meeting licensure renewal requirements.

Meet Your Educational and Professional Goals

Take courses that expand your professional experience or learn more about a new area of practice. More information on ASHA CEUFind.

Maintain Your ASHA Certification

Maintain your ASHA certification by earning 3.0 ASHA CEUs (30 CMHs) in your maintenance interval.

Meet State Licensure Requirements

All state licensure agencies that mandate CE for license renewal accept ASHA CEUs.

Archived Courses

Archived courses lists courses offered in the past. Use this tool verify your course history.

Approved Providers

Find ASHA Approved CE Providers located near you.

Disclaimer: ASHA approves CE Providers not courses. This approval does not imply endorsement of course content, specific products or clinical procedures. Every attempt is made to ensure the accuracy of information in ASHA CEUFind. It is your responsibility to contact the CE Provider to verify specific information about a course. ASHA does not accept responsibility for any inaccurate information listed in ASHA CEUFind.

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