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1.First name*
2.Last name*
3.News outlet*
4.News outlet URL
5.Email address for responses*
6.Phone (for internal ProfNet use only, in case we have questions)*
7.Your role:
Other (please specify)
8.Query headline (200 characters max)*
9.Text of query (nature of expertise you seek, 2,000 characters max) *
10.Would you like us to cloak the query?
Publication name
Email address
11.Deadline date for responses*
Month* Day* Year*
12.Deadline time (in Eastern Time)*
13.To which region should we send your query? (For regions not listed here, please list in additional instructions box below.)*
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United Kingdom
14.To which institution types should we send your query?*
CSR Officers
Government Agencies/Laboratories
Hospitals/Medical Centers
Legislative Offices
Media/Broadcast Companies
PR Agencies
Small Businesses
15.Would you like us to distribute this query to Spanish-speaking experts via ProfNet en Español?
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16.Any additional instructions for ProfNet?
17.If your query has a same-day deadline, we offer the ability to post it on the ProfNet Twitter feed (@profnet). Please note that Twitter is an open network and tweets are indexed by search engines, so we will not post it without your approval. If you would like us to post your query on Twitter, please click Yes below. (Available for same-day deadline queries only)
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18.How did you hear about ProfNet? (Optional)