Jobs at Parliament

Image of staff of Parliament

Working at Parliament is a dynamic and rewarding career, with staff supporting and helping improve the most important democratic institution in the UK

Job vacancies

Information on current job vacancies within UK Parliament

Workplace Equality Networks

Four staff networks that provide an opportunity for groups of people to discuss and consider issues relevant to their situation or of interest to them

Work placement and apprenticeship schemes

Parliament has set up three schemes to reach the widest possible pool of talent and attract people who may not have considered a career in Parliament

Working at Parliament

Useful information if you are interested in working at Parliament

Working for an MP

Find out about the type of roles available, as well as salary and benefits information

Working for the House of Commons

The House has approximately 1,550 staff across a wide range of posts, offices and skill levels. Find out about different roles, departments and opportunities

Working for the House of Lords

The Lords has approximately 450 staff across a wide range of posts, offices and skill levels. Find out about different roles, departments and opportunities


Information on House of Commons Nursery including eligibility, how to apply, opening times and more

The Workplace Equality Networks

The four WENs

ParliAble: in support of disabled people in Parliament. It is open to both those who consider themselves to have a disability and those who have an interest in supporting disabled people.

Parliagender: in support for gender equality. Our aim is to achieve gender equality across Parliament.

ParliREACH: in support of increasing awareness and appreciation of race, ethnicity and cultural heritage issues in Parliament.

ParliOUT:  in support of LGBTIQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersexual, and questioning) people in Parliament

Related information

Job opportunities

Find a job in a parliamentary office or department.