Kindermusik——8个月 — 3岁

     具有三十多年早教课程和产品研发经验的Kindermusik,为世界上0-7岁儿童提供音乐和运动课程,是同领域内最领先、最受信赖的品牌之一。Kindermusik课程根据美国国家幼儿教育部(NAEYC)早期实用发展理论所编写,融入了皮亚杰、蒙台梭利和格林斯潘等国际早教专家们的相关理论。   全套课程包括7年的音乐学习,覆盖孩子成长和发展的各个方面,如:语言能力、运动技能、社交能力、认知发展、情商发展和音乐感等。在Kindermusik课程中,受过专业培训的讲师们将在儿童每一个音乐发展阶段的关键期,给予家长和孩子们最为专业的指导,帮助家长捕捉孩子成长中所发生的各种细微变化。



    Listen and move. Play and grow. This is Kindermusik, the most trusted music and movement program for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and young children. It is about kids, parents, and teachers—coming together and having a great time and helping you grow closer to your child. Our program is based on research demonstrating the benefits of music at each stage of a child’s development. We start from where you child is, regardless of his age, and provide activities that stimulate his mind, body, and sense of play. Enriching her environment and her development, and giving him a lifelong love of music and a foundation for learning. Meanwhile we believe your child’s most important teacher is you. So we give you great tools to continue the Kindermusik experience at home.