Revolving Door

Although the influence powerhouses that line Washington's K Street are just a few miles from the U.S. Capitol building, the most direct path between the two doesn't necessarily involve public transportation. Instead, it's through a door—a revolving door that shuffles former federal employees into jobs as lobbyists, consultants and strategists just as the door pulls former hired guns into government careers.

While officials in the executive branch, Congress and senior congressional staffers spin in and out of the private and public sectors, so too does privilege, power, access and, of course, money.

Use the search options to discover which public relations firms have signed up former White House employees, which lobbyists have brought their interests with them to the powerful appropriations committees, which interests are employing former members of Congress to lobby on their behalf...and much more.

Featured Revolver

David Hoppe
Chief of Staff to Rep Paul Ryan

Prior to becoming chief of staff to Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), David Hoppe was president of his own firm, Hoppe Strategies, but he has been in and out of government and the private sector for years.

A Wisconsin native, Hoppe received an undergraduate degree from Notre Dame University and a master's in international relations from Johns Hopkins. He began working for Rep. Jack Kemp (R-N.Y.) in 1984, eventually becoming his chief of staff. Hoppe took a brief turn through the revolving door when he became the top lobbyist at the Heritage Foundation before signing on as an aide to Sen.

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  • Top Congressional Committees (Senate)

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  • Latest additions to the Revolving Door database

    Walker, RyanBP America
    Dunham, BenHolland & Knight
    Nesbit, SonjaArent Fox
    Bailey, BradO’Rourke & Nappi
    Hogan, CourtneyPet Industry Joint Advisory Council

    Revolving Door Factoid

    There are 20 state or federal attorneys general in the OpenSecrets Revolving Door.

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