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Kalispera Dell
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"Noting that the cultural heritage and the natural heritage are increasingly threatened with destruction not only by the traditional causes of decay, but also by changing social and economic conditions which aggravate the situation with even more formidable phenomena of damage or destruction, Considering that deterioration or disappearance of any item of the cultural or natural heritage constitutes a harmful impoverishment of the heritage of all the nations of the world, Considering that protection of this heritage at the national level often remains incomplete because of the scale of the resources which it requires and of the insufficient economic, scientific, and technological resources..." Too much streets creating too much traffic, noise and danger. Too much side jobs creating more traffic. The streets are often too wide and causing senselessly costs to repair winter damages (alkaline solutions, frost, clean contaminated water) The villas being rented by mostly Westgermans which are taking the money to Westgermany. The money is not here for safe these cultural heritage. Often they do not want to have renters in their houses. The Westgerman interior ministry is building up ugly concrete houses in the size of these beautiful villas for less money, what will cause a danger for the better and older houses here. Often and too much peoples with social aggressions against families and playing children. Vandalism by criminal organizations starts by graffiti and ends with demolished unpeopled houses. In few times the owners of these houses are causing willful damages to chop intact plaster and neglecting the house in all matters. The most problem is that the sandstone is damaged after 10 years. The reason is that the owners does not know or have the right education level to paint the sandstone with color which is protecting the fassade for the next 4 years. Those cultural heritage houses must being safed, because the workers education level has sunk so deeply and they are not educated to rebuild or build up those types of buildings. They are only able to repair not to construct on this levels, due violations against UNO conventions. Partially the state is increasing the heating costs and they developing only insulation materials for the fassades and not inside the houses. The owner will have more costs and the house is unpeopled. For over 100 ears ago you had thermo insulation for the inner walls in villas: insulation pads and wooden panels/ or span- wallpaper above. Or the cheapest thing: drywalls with insulation behind. The most modern are insulation panels made by non-combustible modified foam and aluminium foil. You must build the thermo insulation inside the houses that you will safe money and not outside! So you need 1cm thick panels and without aluminium foil 20cm thick thermo- insulation panels. You can not increase heating costs to need 1m thick thermo panels! To paint a steel fence to protect it against corrosion needs 10 Euros. To change the steel fence, needs 10000 Euros. To protect sandstone fassade-elements needs 20 Euros for color. To rebuild or change damaged sandstone fassade-elements needs 20000 Euros. The photos taken with the Sony HX20V having the lack of colors. The motives were looking with more color in real and if you would have it in real as much as possible: increase the chroma up to 10-15%. The house owners are often peoples without to have real success in this branch. They are demand too much retail prices that anybody can buy the house. The next important problem is: you can not really meet anybody here and you will have in parks and other public meeting points, alcoholics, drug abusers, soccer hooligans, state photo stalkers, staged demonstrations for extremists. And the estate agents being from state and getting secret bonus payments of tax money for ruining the buildings. That is the reason why often castle houses being ruined. Establishing of unneeded, effortless settlements, to have a fetish success, needs too much streets, with noise, danger and costs for the tax payers. Than sending foreigners concentrated and isolated with other extremists in heritage monumental complexes, which is causing a family desert without playing children, although these buildings having the best living space for families. Criminals observing armed the streets. Mental ill single renters demolishing in nearly unpeopled, big heritage houses windows, doors and a lot of lame police forces there or motivation to protect social families. That all towns in the area may not make liabilities that other banks can tests accomplish, "what it can cause". The undemocratic is that all different politicians are doing the same. It makes nonsense that towns are making none liabilities for heritage, monumental houses, although these having an increased worth, in future. And the politicans are dictating that is would increase the worth, that demolished heritage monuments being more worth as meadow or parking lot, what is real causing a unworth of credit. Refusals to sale the houses to foreign investors by salers within of their shadow banks and gag orders by the interior ministry and news about soccer, drugs, violence as substitute. Deletion of public photo documentations in archives, caused by paid hackers. Ambushes and attacks of photographers or persons which create records about this matter. The allege of espionage against foreign investors and threaten with counterintelligence (mostly arson, car theft, sending of violent criminals (recruited from ultra and hooligan groups for cheap money), provoke of accidents, eternal noise construction- sides, marked observation). Creating under pressure within of military confederacies, societies where tax money is being sent to other countries without problems. Artificial increasing of costs for building materials. Hidden tourist attractions, wrong management for tourism only in the own region and even in the town. Anyone who can speak foreign languages. Political and religious revanchists and extremists in lobbies. Clerks for parks without culture, interest, chosen by face photos, which doing not like the nature, which consider parks as field to lawn- mowing with machines, leave sweeping, unable to make breaks with own created meals, having none families, no interest for animals, drinking too often alcohol, being too weak for work, bothering with installed prohibitive signs against visitors, animals, families (culture) and too flat and little neglected ponds/lakes. Reducing of animal populations in the parks within of lies. Building up too big stadiums too nearly beside parks with psycho terror by maladjusted peoples and urine infestation onto paths. Creation of adverse conditions for married couples with traditions and culture, within of treatments by agents, increased buying prices and taxes. To cut the birth rates within to chose psychical and biological degenerated peoples in the economy with repulsive behaviors. None internet connection or existing in too old standards. With the danger and routine that the police does not exist in the near and must travel. The blocking of cell phone and phone lines by the telecommunications vendor. Having on each corner in the area only restaurants and pubs where you can met the underworld. All buildings without to have peoples with cultural backgrounds, anybody can play instruments, can create or show arts. The shortage of peoples which want to care about the buildings, to safe and embezzle money. The stalking of persons which are using high tech. Push up of prices and fees for air conditioning systems for houses in the area and libraries that you can not study under 27 degrees Celsius must breath sulfur dioxide with micro dust that you can not sleep, concentrate and finally you go work. The demolishing of house complexes to have more opportunities for monitoring the peoples by the interior ministry and the peoples have more fumes and noise in the courtyards. To create unneeded paths with too many lampposts which are creating light-smog.


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