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VietovesLt's conversations

صورة رائعة البوم مميز تحيات م علاء سعيد من ليبيا like

What is this building? Some government organisation?

Sliziai chapel. Stanislaw Bielinski, owner of the Sliziai manor has built the chapel for his daughter's wedding.

Hallo, Google is going to kill Panoramio! For more information please refer to your forums! Please inform all Panoramio Users about these plans!

URGENT : We can save Panoramio ! Signing the petition form we can keep our beloved Panoramio alive !!! Minimum 10.000 signatures URGENT : On peut sauver Panoramio ! On a fait monter une forme de petition petition pour ceux qui veulent que Panoramio reste ouvert. Au minimum de 10.000 URGENTE : Assinando o formulário de petição há a eventualidade de se manter aberto o Panoramio! E necessário um mínimo de 10.000. URGENTE : firma de la solicitud existe la posibilidad de mantener abierta Panoramio! Un mínimo de 10.000 requerido. URGENTE : Possiamo salvare Panoramio! Firma la petizione petizione possiamo mantenere nostro amato Panoramio vivo !!! Minimo 10.000 firme

Like and greetings from Hamburg, Christian.

Лабадена ! Like !!!

Tamstos foto galerija - mano šios dienos malonus atradimas. Tai, ką mačiau, patiko, nes labai įdomu. Ketinu sugrįžti ir dar "pakeliauti" nuotraukų pagalba po Lietuvą. Geriausi Linkėjimai! G.

Patinka! Nuostabūs toliai! G.

Žavi nuotrauka! Mano favoritė, nes labai patinka! G.

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