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HelpConsole 2008 - Jungle Disk Workgroup User Manual HelpConsole 2008 - Jungle Disk Workgroup User Manual
What to Backup

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Last Updated: 7/24/2008 4:01:48 PM

Home > Configuration > Automatic Backups > What to Backup 


Basic Folder and File Selection

The folder selection menu is divided into two sections to allow you to quickly and easily choose or exclude the folders for your backup jobs.

The Common Folders section contains the most common folders that are typically selected for backup.

For a greater level of control, you can select the specific files and folders under the All Folders section.

When a folder is selected, you will have the following options:

  • Do not backup this folder
  • Backup all the files in this folder
  • Backup only certain types of files
  • Backup all files, except certain types
  • Backup on the files I select in this folder
  • Backup files in sub-folders

The state of your selected folders and the files beneath them are indicated by the status of the selection box to the left.

Please refer to the Folder Status Indications table to understand what each status represents.

Folder Status Indicators

When a folder is first selected, it will assume that all of the files within it as well as all of the files and folders beneath it will be included for backup.  This status also indicates that as new files and folders are added, those new items will also become part of the backup. A bold box denotes a folder directly selected whereas a thin box indicates that it was included due to a parent folder being selected for backup.

If a folder has files or folders that are selected beneath it that do not have any filtering enabled (i.e. specific items selected or excluded), it is flagged with a gray check.  New files and folders that are added beneath a folder flagged with a gray check will only be included in future backups if they are under or within a folder with a black check. 

Folders that have items specifically selected or excluded (filters applied) for backup beneath it will be flagged with a check in a grey background. New files and folders that are added beneath a folder flagged with a grey background will only be included in future backups if they are under or within a folder with a black check.

Folders that are to be excluded completely from a backup are flagged with a red X.  Once a folder is marked for exclusion, you will not be able to select files or folders beneath it until you remove it from its exclusion status.

Specific options for your folders can be selected using the option panel to the right of the folder tree.  This allows you to customize files for inclusion, exclusion, etc.: