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HelpConsole 2008 - Jungle Disk Workgroup User Manual
Bandwidth Limiting

Page Information
Last Updated: 7/3/2008 3:54:17 PM

Home > Configuration > Application Settings > Bandwidth Limiting

The My Secure Backup can limit how much of your Internet bandwidth it uses to ensure that bandwidth is available for other applications like web browsing, VOIP and games.  You can change these settings without interrupting transfers in progress.

  • Upload Bandwidth
    • Limit upload bandwidth to: Limits your upload bandwidth to XX kbps (10 kbps is the minimum setting)
    • Enforce this limit:  You have the option to enforce bandwidth limitation at all times or only during your selected times.
  • Download Bandwidth
    • Limit upload bandwidth to: Limits your download bandwidth to XX kbps (10 kbps is the minimum setting)
    • Enforce this limit:  You have the option to enforce bandwidth limitation at all times or only during your seletced times.