{Between the Lines}

The Agents of Books & Such Literary Management Muse About Books, Publishing, and Life

Be Encouraged and Encourage Others Too

Rachel Kent

Blogger: Rachel Kent

Every writer is on a journey and most author journeys are full of ups and downs. For you to have come to the place that you call yourself a writer, read publishing blogs, and let other people read your work, shows that you have had encouragements along your journey that confirmed your desire to write. Yes, I’m sure there have been discouraging times too, but somewhere along your path something or someone built up your confidence in your writing. Some of you might feel more secure than others, just based on where you are right now, but I would love it if you could share one specific moment that stands out in your mind as a time of encouragement. What has happened to you that built up your confidence?

As fellow authors and readers, we have the power to be “encouragers” to those around us. We could provide the tiny bit of confidence it takes for a writer to try to write a book through our words and actions. A compliment about a young writer’s school paper, or delight in a poem written by an unpublished friend, or an encouraging note dropped in the mail to a debut writer, could make a big difference in a dreamer’s life. There’s no need to lie to someone–that just sets a person up for disappointment–but we could all work on being a little more outgoing with our genuine encouragement of others.

What have you done to encourage others? Do you write reviews for books you enjoyed? Do you send emails to authors who’s books have touched you in some way? Have you mentored a young writer?

Do you have any ideas for providing encouragement that you could share with us?

You Don’t Always Hear What You Want

Rachelle Gardner

Blogger: Rachelle Gardner

Did you know that we—the agents at Books & Such—invented publishing? Yep. Book publishers, agents, querying, marketing, social media—the whole shebang, we thought of it, created the system and built it from the ground up.

Wait—what? We …

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Preparing for NaNoWriMo

Rachel Kent

Blogger: Rachel Kent

Can you believe it is almost November?! This year has gone by so quickly.

Are you planning to participate in NaNoWriMo this year? I can usually find a count of how many have signed up, but I …

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