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Your feedback will help improve our online services. Please take 5 minutes to tell us about your experience using our web site today.

If you have a specific issue or question and need a response, please contact us instead.
1. When visiting the L&I; website today, what is your role? *This question is required.
  • Business
  • Worker / Employee
  • Medical / Healthcare
  • Trades
  • Other
Which of these tasks did you come here to do? (Check all that apply)
Additional tasks....
  • * This question is required.
3. Were you able to accomplish what you came here to do today?

Based on today's visit:

4. What is your overall satisfaction with the L&I; website?
Very dissatisfiedVery satisfied
5. How likely are you to speak positively about the L&I; website to colleagues, friends, or acquaintances?
Not at all likelyExtremely likely
6. How often do you visit the L&I; website?
7. What are you using to access the L&I; website today?
How many people work for your company?
9. May we contact you for additional feedback that will help us improve our website?
10. Please let us know how to contact you: