Juvenile Justice Unit

Unit Overview

Juvenile justice research, state and federal law, and best‐practice all support the premise that youth are fundamentally different than adults, in both their level of responsibility as well as their potential for rehabilitation. To this end, the State of Georgia has established a juvenile justice system that is distinct from the adult criminal justice system and provides procedures that are unique to the treatment of juveniles. Stakeholders that work with the youth and families involved with Georgia's juvenile justice system require ongoing support to meet the needs of this distinct population.

Unit Goals

The Criminal Justice Coordinating Council, Juvenile Justice Unit:

  • Provides funding for programs that demonstrate a clear commitment to the accountability principles of restorative justice for youth;
  • Strategizes to ensure that local communities are able to meet the needs of Georgia’s youth and families;
  • Provides technical expertise to ensure compliance with federal and state laws concerning juvenile detention and confinement in order to secure funding for the state's juvenile crime reduction efforts;
  • Maintains Georgia's compliance with the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act resulting in keeping Georgia eligible to receive federal juvenile justice funds;
  • and manages the Juvenile Justice Incentive Grant Program and initiatives, including evaluating model fidelity adherence to evidence-based programs; 

Unit Staff:

  • Serve as stewards of federal and state Juvenile Justice funds;
  • Develop, manage, and monitor Georgia's statewide Juvenile Justice Plan;
  • Coordinate with stakeholders to provide support in the Juvenile Justice field;
  • and serve as statewide experts on Juvenile Justice & Criminal Justice Issues.

Georgia's Juvenile Justice State Advisory Group (SAG)

As a requirement of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA) and continued Title II Formula Grant funding, each state must establish a State Advisory Group (SAG) charged with carrying out the purposes of the Act and implement the Act’s core requirements/protections at the state and local level. The Act’s core requirements include: (1) Deinstitutionalization of Status Offenders; (2) Removal of juveniles from adult jails and lock-ups; (3) Sight and sound separation; and, (4) Disproportionate Minority Contact. For more information on the first three Core Requirements, please visit the Juvenile Justice Compliance Monitoring homepage. Georgia’s SAG is appointed by the Governor and serves in an advisory capacity to the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC), the designated state agency for juvenile justice formula funds from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP). The Council serves as the supervisory role, but relies on the SAG to oversee and advise on the preparation and implementation of the state’s Juvenile Justice 3-Year Plan, which is a requirement of continued Title II funding.  

The plan gives an overview of all Georgia’s efforts to increase public safety through a more effective juvenile justice system. This plan:

demonstrates Georgia’s compliance with the 28 statutory requirements listed in the JJDPA;
describes Georgia’s effort to partner with other stakeholders;
addresses the status of planned efforts; and,
discusses projects funding through Title II Formula Grant funding.

Please see the links below for a list of current SAG members and a copy of Georgia's Juvenile Justice 3-Year Plan (currently from 2015-2017).