Lattice Meets Experiment 2011: Beyond the Standard Model


October 14-15, 2011


With the advent of the LHC era, new experimental results promise to shed new light on the physics behind electroweak symmetry breaking. If physics beyond the standard model (BSM) is found to be strongly coupled, then lattice simulations will play a vital role in connecting experimental results to theoretical models. The goal of this workshop is to bring together experimenters, phenomenologists, and lattice theorists interested in strongly coupled BSM physics, in order to stimulate discussion on the most interesting models and observables to pursue.

Advisory commitee:


Please use the link on the left to register. There will be no registration fees for this workshop.

Previous workshops:

This workshop is the third in a series of meetings on "Lattice Gauge Theory for LHC Physics":

It is also the fourth in a series of meetings entitled "Lattice Meets Experiment", where the previous three focused on precision flavor physics: