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NOTICE: Effective January 1, 2016, and in accordance with Amended Substitute House Bill Number 64 of the 131st General Assembly, the following changes apply to ODNR’s Division of Soil and Water Resources:

All remaining water resource related programs and staff in ODNR’s Division of Soil and Water Resources become the new Division of Water Resources.

About Ohio's Soils

Soil Resources Program Overview

Planning to invest in planting soybeans, starting a nursery, or building your dream house or an office complex? It's important to check soil maps and information before you make an investment. Appropriate consideration of soils will help you avoid soils related construction mistakes and mismatched land use.

The soil resources program updates soils information based on data collected in 88 county-based soil survey projects, which were conducted between 1954 and 2003. Using geographic information system, soil scientists work with county SWCDs to update existing soils information. Individuals, whether investors, planners, land developers, contractors, or farmers, interested in land need to know about the hazards and limitations of soils before they develop a plan or make a financial commitment. Good soil information provides for a basis in creating the optimum land use plan, and predicting the risk to the environment or cost of maintenance after the land use or development plan is put into action.

Environmental, Economic and Public Importance

There are more than 475 unique soil series that are currently mapped in Ohio. Knowing and understanding soils information is essential for effective environmental conservation practices, as soil is a key component in environmental quality. Conservation practices can be placed in areas that will effectively enhance soil, water and air quality. Additionally, soils information is vital for Ohio’s development community to identify development sites posing the fewest limitations or with the lowest risk for costs to overcome limitations, and even project failure.


Digital soil information is now available for Ohio’s 88 counties. This makes soil information readily available to all Ohio citizens in an easy to use format. Users can obtain tailored soil survey reports that focus on a specific area instead of an entire county. The digital format has also allowed soil scientists the ability to update soil survey information faster by focusing on areas or soils with inadequate data.

Through the soil resources program, the division is a partner in the Ohio Soil Survey, along with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service and The Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC).

The three agencies are represented on the Ohio Soil Inventory Board, which was created in 1953 as “the body responsible for developing and guiding an adequate soil survey program for the State.”


The Ohio Soil Survey began in 1900, when U.S. Department of Agriculture soil scientists studied the soils in Montgomery County. By 1949, when the Division of Lands and Soil (DLS) was created as one of the seven original divisions in ODNR, soil scientists of USDA and the Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station (now known as OARDC) had completed soil surveys in 32 counties. One more county soil survey project was completed before the DLS was activated and staffed in 1952.

ODNR charged its newly staffed division with working with its partners to complete soil surveys by 1968 in the 55 remaining counties and to replace the 12 soil surveys published before 1920, which were by 1952 considered inadequate. Unfortunately, DLS and USDA soil scientists were able to complete soil surveys in only 23 more counties by 1968, but by then the standards for an adequate soil survey had increased dramatically.

Soil Scientists in the fieldPartners in the Ohio Soil Survey held a “Threshold Acre” Celebration in 1992 to bring attention to completing the soil survey for the 88th county in the state. Field investigations had been completed to replace or update information in soil survey publications from all but one of the counties surveyed before 1952 plus three that were surveyed after 1952.

By 1992, field investigations were already underway to update soils information for seven Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCD) that considered their soil survey publications to be inadequate for local needs. Soil survey update projects were completed in these seven counties plus two others before the Ohio Soil Inventory Board adopted a more efficient way for soil survey update projects to be conducted in the state. Completing the Statewide Digital Soils Information Project, compleated in 2007, was a major step toward increasing the efficiency at which Ohio’s soils information can be updated.

Ohio Soil Resources soil scientists continue to collaborate with NRCS scientists in updating soils information by Major Land Resorces Area (MLRA) boundries in Ohio. Learn more at the NRCS's Ohio page.

Definition of Soil

The unconsolidated mineral or organic matter on the surface of the earth that has been subjected to and shows effects of genetic and environmental factors of: climate (including water and temperature effects), and macro- and microorganisms, conditioned by relief, acting on parent material over a period of time. - Soil Science Glossary (Soil Science Society of America)

Why is soil important?

Soil is the earth’s natural foundation, filter, and seed bed. The failure or success of building foundations are a function of soil properties and the engineering needed to overcome these properties. Soil acts as a filter; it cleans as water percolates through it. Soil is the medium in which plants grow and seeds germinate. How well a plant grows is largely dependent upon soil properties, which control a soil’s water and nutrient holding capacities that are vital to the success of plant growth.

What Does Soil Do?

Healthy soil gives us clean air and water, bountiful crops and forests, productive rangeland, diverse wildlife, and beautiful landscapes. Soil does all this by performing five essential functions:

  • Regulating water - Soil helps control where rain, snowmelt, and irrigation water goes. Water and dissolved solutes flow over the land or into and through the soil.
  • Sustaining plant and animal life - The diversity and productivity of living things depends on soil.
  • Filtering potential pollutants - The minerals and microbes in soil are responsible for filtering, buffering, degrading, immobilizing, and detoxifying organic and inorganic materials, including industrial and municipal by-products and atmospheric deposits.
  • Cycling nutrients - Carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and many other nutrients are stored, transformed, and cycled through soil.
  • Supporting structures - Buildings need stable soil for support, and archeological treasures associated with human habitation are protected in soils.

Soil Texture

Soil texture is the proportion of sand, silt, and clay in a soil. A soil’s texture can range from a very sandy soil to a very clayey soil.

A very sandy soil allows water to move through it quickly which can result in groundwater contamination if the soil was to be used as a filter (septic leach field would be an example). Also a very sandy soil does not have much ability to hold water which can lead to plant stress during dry periods.

A very clayey soil allows water to move through it very slowly which allows water to pond and keeps the soil saturated for a long time during wet periods. In addition clayey soils have a very high ability to hold water which further impacts the wetness of the soil.

Having a very clayey or sandy soil is not the ideal situation.

For most land uses, a loam texture soil is ideal.

A loam texture is approximately 40% sand, 40% silt, and 20% clay.

The textural triangle shows different soil textures and relative percentages of sand, silt, and clay.

Soil Texture can be quantified by Field estimation by a trained professional and lab testing.

Making Sense of the Particle-Size Distribution Measurements

The amount of each size particle (sand, silt, or clay) in the soil is called the particle-size distribution.

Knowing the particle-size distribution of a soil sample helps to understand many soil properties such as how much water, heat, and nutrients the soil will hold, how fast water and heat will move through the soil, and what kind of structure, bulk density and consistence the soil will have.

Sand, silt, and clay are the three particle sizes of mineral material found in soils. The amount of each of these is called the "particle-size distribution" and the way it feels is called the "soil texture." Sand is the largest sized particle, silt is medium sized, and clay is the smallest.

Soil Structure

Soil structure is how soil particles are arranged.

Like soil texture, soil structure also plays an important role in the movement of water. For example, water will move faster through a very clayey soil with good structure than a very clayey soil with poor structure.

Soil structure can be determined by a trained soils professional.

Soil Quality

Soil quality is based on how well the soil does what we want it to do. More specifically, soil quality is the capacity of a specific kind of soil to function, within natural or managed ecosystem boundaries, to sustain plant and animal productivity, maintain or enhance water and air quality, and support human health and habitation.

People have different ideas of what a quality soil is.<.p>

  • For people active in production agriculture - highly productive land, sustaining or enhancing productivity, maximizing profits, or maintaining the soil resource for future generations.
  • For consumers - plentiful, healthful, and inexpensive food for present and future generations.
  • For naturalists - soil in harmony with the landscape and its surroundings.
  • For the environmentalist - soil functioning at its potential in an ecosystem with respect to maintenance or enhancement of biodiversity, water quality, nutrient cycling, and biomass production.

Soil Has Both Inherent and Dynamic Quality

Inherent soil quality is a soil’s natural ability to function. For example, sandy soils drain faster than clayey soils. Deep soils will have more room for roots than soils with bedrock near the surface. These characteristics do not change easily.

Dynamic soil quality is how soil changes depending on how it is managed. Management choices affect the amount of soil organic matter, soil structure, soil depth, water and nutrient holding capacity. One goal of soil quality research is to learn how to manage soil in a way that improves soil function. Soils respond differently to management depending on the inherent properties of the soil and the surrounding landscape.


Soil Quality is Linked to Sustainability

Understanding soil quality means assessing and managing soil so that it functions optimally now and is not degraded for future use. By monitoring changes in soil quality, a land manager can determine if a set of practices are sustainable.

Assessing Soil Quality

Soil quality is an assessment of how well soil performs all of its functions. It cannot be determined by measuring only crop yield, water quality, or any other single outcome. The quality of a soil is an assessment of how it performs all of its functions now and how those functions are being preserved for future use.

Soil quality cannot be measured directly, so we evaluate indicators. Indicators are measurable properties of soil or plants that provide clues about how well the soil can function. Indicators can be physical, chemical, and biological characteristics.

Useful indicators:

  • are easy to measure
  • measure changes in soil functions
  • encompass chemical, biological, and physical properties
  • are accessible to many users and applicable to field conditions
  • are sensitive to variations in climate and management.

Indicators can be assessed by qualitative or quantitative techniques. After measurements are collected, they can be evaluated by looking for patterns and comparing results to measurements taken at a different time or field.

Soil Quality is Not an End in Itself

The ultimate purpose of researching and assessing soil quality is not to achieve high aggregate stability, biological activity, or some other soil property. The purpose is to protect and improve long-term agricultural productivity, water quality, and habitats of all organisms including people. We use soil characteristics as indicators of soil quality, but in the end, soil quality must be identified by how it performs its functions.

Managing For Soil Quality

Each combination of soil type and land use calls for a different set of practices to enhance soil quality. Yet, several principles apply in most situations.

  • Add organic matter - Regular additions of organic matter are linked to many aspects of soil quality. Organic matter may come from crop residues at the surface, roots of cover crops, animal manure, green manure, compost, and others. Organic matter, and the organisms that eat it, can improve water holding capacity, nutrient availability, and can help protect against erosion.
  • Avoid excessive tillage - Tillage has positive effects, but it also triggers excessive organic matter degradation, disrupts soil structure, and can cause compaction.
  • Carefully manage fertilizer and pesticide use - Pesticides and chemical fertilizers have revolutionized U.S. agriculture. In addition to their desired effects, they can harm non-target organisms and pollute water and air if they are mismanaged. Nutrients from organic sources also can become pollutants when misapplied or over-applied. On the positive side, fertilizer can increase plant growth and the amount of organic matter returned to the soil.
  • Increase ground cover - Bare soil is susceptible to wind and water erosion, and to drying and crusting. Ground cover protects soil, provides habitats for larger soil organisms, such as insects and earthworms, and can improve water availability. Cover crops, perennials, and surface residue increase the amount of time that the soil surface is covered each year.
  • Increase plant diversity - Diversity is beneficial for several reasons. Each crop contributes a unique root structure and type of residue to the soil. A diversity of soil organisms can help control pest populations, and a diversity of cultural practices can reduce weed and disease pressures. Diversity across the landscape and over time can be increased by using buffer strips, small fields, contour strip cropping, crop rotations, and by varying tillage practices. Changing vegetation across the landscape or over time increases plant diversity and the types of insects, microorganisms, and wildlife that live on your farm.

Ohio Soil Series

map of glaciated and unglaciated areas of Ohio

Glaciated Soils

Unglaciated Soils


Matt Lane, Administrator
8995 E. Main St.
Reynoldsburg, OH 45068
Phone: (614) 265-6913

Soils Inventory, Digital Data

Aaron Lantz, Digital Soil Information Specialist
8995 E. Main St.
Reynoldsburg, OH 45068
Phone: (614) 265-6683

Field Soil Specialists

Matt Deaton, Soil Scientist
10025 Amity Road
Brookville, OH 45309
Phone: (937) 854-7646 Ext - 117

Steve Prebonick, Soil Scientist
134 Miles Ave NW
Warren, OH 44483-1146
Phone: (330) 553-9375