About DSM2 About DSM2

The Delta Simulation Model II (DSM2) is a one-dimensional mathematical model for dynamic simulation of one-dimensional hydrodynamics, water quality and particle tracking in a network of riverine or estuarine channels..

Our Mission Our Mission

To promote the exchange of ideas, information, and issues involving the use of DSM2 and/or the development of any newer version of DSM2 in the future.

DSM2UG Announcement DSM2UG Announcement

Entries with tag <em>dsm2</em>.

DSM2UG Newsletter 2016

This year's newsletter is almost ready for viewing online. To give you a quick glance of what will be covered, here is a list of topics related to DSM2 enhancement and applications:

Projects Update

  1. 2016 Annual Report (Min Yu, DWR)
  2. The Current Status of DSM2 Historical Simulation (Lan Liang, DWR)
  3. Estimation of Delta Residence Times using DSM2-PTM (Chandra Chilmakuri, CH2M)
  4. DSM2 Particle Tracking Model Update (Xiaochun Wang, DWR)
  5. DSM2 Calibration with Pest (Lianwu Liu, DWR)
  6. DSM2 Sediment Transport Module Development Update (En-Ching Hsu, DWR)
  7. Fully integrated HYDRO and GTM - A Suggestion on DSM2 Development (Gang Zhou, Flow Science)
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