Korea Exchange

Exchange entity Korea Exchange (KRX)
Conducts business in Republic of Korea (South Korea)
Number of listed companies (10/15 WFE) 1,910
Domestic market capitalization (in Millions USD, 10/15 WFE) 1,294,094
Has signed the SSE Commitment Letter? Yes
Has prepared SSE Communication to Stakeholders? No
Requires ESG reporting as a listing rule? No
  • The Financial Services Commission’s  Green Posting System (2012) requires around 500 firms to post the amount of GHG emission and energy usage and the certification of green technology and green business. Moreover, if the firms are listed on the Korean Stock Exchange, they are required to include the information in their annual reports. Source
Offers written guidance on ESG reporting? No
Offers ESG related training? No
Provides sustainability-related indices? Yes;
Offers green bonds listings? No
Additional Information
Organizational model of stock exchange
  • Demutualized for profit; demutualization in progress
Regulatory bodies
Regulatory model
  • Limited Exchange Self-Regulatory Organization (SRO) Model The Korea Exchange has regulatory authority over the listing requirements and certain trading rules such as membership eligibility. The Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) is a sub committee of the Financial Services Commission (FSC); the organisation with the responsibility of Korea's financial markets. The SFC's primary regulatory responsibilities are: market surveillance, company accounting standards and audit reviews, as well as other responsibilities delegated from the FSC. There is a mix of regulatory authority but the majority, and some of the most important, responsibilities fall under Korea's SFC and FSC.
About the stock exchange
  • Location: Seoul, Republic of Korea The Korea Exchange (KRX), which was launched in January 2005 by consolidating the four domestic markets, is committed to further the market credibility, customer-oriented management and confidence of organization, thus building up itself as a leading capital market in Northeast Asia. The Management Strategy Division establishes the business strategy and management reform agenda, and proposes the long-term vision necessary for enhancement of the KRX’s reputation. Source
Ownership of Exchange (Shares >4% only) Share
Hanwha Investments & Securities Co. 5.80%