
Welcome to the Recreation Information Database (RIDB) Application Programming Interface (API). This API is provided for the purpose of accessing RIDB API endpoints which contain information for federal recreation areas, facilities, campsites, tours, and permits.

Federal agencies provide and are responsible for the quality of data contained in the RIDB. Some data may be missing or incomplete. For example, some latitudes and longitudes may be blank. Please be mindful of this when searching for something in particular or applying proximity (radius) filters.

Please contribute to our GitHub issue tracker if you have any questions or concerns.

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About the RIDB

The Recreation Information Database (RIDB) provides data resources to citizens, offering a single point of access to information about recreational opportunities nationwide. The RIDB represents an authoritative source of information and services for millions of visitors to federal lands, historic sites, museums, and other attractions/resources. This initiative integrates multiple Federal channels and sources about recreation opportunities into a one-stop, searchable database of recreational areas nationwide.

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Intended Audience

This website is intended for the general public. It provides instructions on how to extract data from the RIDB.

The data is provided at no cost in order to encourage wide distribution and regular updates to different publications, databases, and websites, so customers can receive correct information from many different systems.

There is no need to contact us before incorporating the data into your system. In exchange, we encourage you to provide a link to and acknowledge credit, such as "data source:".

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API Endpoints

All API requests should be made to:{endpoint}

All requests to RIDB endpoints that are not HTTPS will be redirected to HTTPS.

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The RIDB API uses keys to allow access. Registration is free and your key is available to you immediately upon registration. Register for an API key here.

The RIDB API allows two approaches for authentication with the API key:

  • In an HTTP header that looks like the following: apikey:thisIsMyKey
  • In a URL parameter that looks like the following: ?apikey=thisIsMyKey

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Export Formats

The RIDB API provides data in JSON or XML formats. JSON is the default behavior, but browsers may request the data as XML depending on how they evaluate the accept header. To export explicitly as JSON or XML, simply add “.json” or “.xml” to the end of any resource call.

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Get All Rec Area Data

The RIDB is comprised of several data points, primarily recreation areas, facilities, campsites, tours, and permit entrances. While we offer many API endpoints to make this data available for download, you may be asking yourself “How do I download the entire RIDB data set?” We provide the ability to download the entire RIDB data set in one file. Download formats supported are zip file packages of JSON and CSV files. Visit the data download page to view and download these file packages.

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RIDB organizations are the federal agencies that provide RIDB data.

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Get All Organizations

This endpoint retrieves all organizations.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
query string optional query filter criteria, Searches on organization name and organization abbreviated name
limit numeric optional number of records to return (max 50)
offset numeric optional start record of overall result set

Organizations Example Response     Back to menu

Example organization JSON response

		   "OrgAbbrevName": "NPS",
		   "OrgJurisdictionType": "Federal",
		   "OrgType": "Department of the Interior",
		   "LastUpdatedDate": "2007-02-26",
		   "OrgURLText": "",
		   "OrgURLAddress": "",
		   "OrgImageURL": "nps.gif",
		   "OrgParentID": 139,
		   "OrgID": 128,
		   "OrgName": "National Park Service"

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Get a Specific Organization

This endpoint retrieves a specific organization.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
organizationID numeric required the organization ID

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Get All Recreation Areas for a Specific Organization

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
orgid numeric required the organization ID
query string optional query filter criteria. Searches on recreation area name, description, keywords, and stay limit.
limit numeric optional number of records to return (max 50)
offset numeric optional start record of overall result set
full string optional return the full record details or compact (abbreviated) details
state string optional comma delimited list of 2 character state codes
activity string optional comma delimited list of activity IDs (see activities)
lastupdated date optional return all records modified since this date

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Get a Specific Recreation Area for a Specific Organization

HTTP request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
orgid numeric required the organization ID
recareaid numeric required the recreation area ID

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Get All Facilities for a Specific Organization

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
orgid numeric required the organization ID
query string optional query filter criteria. Searches on facility name, description, keywords, and stay limit.
limit numeric optional number of records to return (max 50)
offset numeric optional start record of overall result set
full string optional return the full record details or compact (abbreviated) details
state string optional comma delimited list of 2 character state codes
activity string optional comma delimited list of activity IDs (see activities)
lastupdated date optional return all records modified since this date

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Get a Specific Facility for a Specific Organization

HTTP request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
orgid numeric required the organization ID
facilityid numeric required the facility ID

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Recreation Areas

Recreation areas are large tracts of federal land for the purpose of, you guessed it, recreating! Recreation areas have many distinguishing characteristics (attributes) ranging from addresses, organizations, links, media links, activities, etc. Recreation areas can contain one to many child facilities. Recreation area examples are Yosemite National Park and the Aldo Leopold Wilderness.

Get All Recreation Areas

This endpoint retrieves all recreation areas.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
query string optional query filter criteria. Searches on recreation area name, description, keywords, and stay limit.
limit numeric optional number of records to return (max 50)
offset numeric optional start record of overall result set
full string optional return the full record details or compact (abbreviated) details
latitude numeric optional Latitude of the point in decimal degrees
longitude numeric optional Longitude of the point in decimal degrees
radius numeric optional Distance (in miles) by which to include search results
state string optional comma delimited list of 2 character state codes
activity string optional comma delimited list of activity IDs (see activities)
lastupdated date optional return all records modified since this date

Get a Specific Recreation Area

This endpoint retrieves a specific recreation area.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
recAreaID numeric required the recreation area ID
full string optional return the full record details or compact (abbreviated) details

Example recreation area JSON response

   "RecAreaMapURL": "",
   "LastUpdatedBy": 1126,
   "RecAreaReservationURL": "",
   "RecAreaFeeDescription": "",
   "RecAreaName": "Upper Colorado River Recreation Management Area",
   "RecAreaDescription": "This 80-mile corridor follows the Colorado River from near its headwaters to Glenwood Canyon.  Public lands along the corridor offer visitors outstanding opportunities for float boating, fishing and scenic driving.",
   "Keywords": "",
   "RecAreaEmail": "", "RecAreaLatitude": 39.48285, "StayLimit": "", "GEOJSON": { "COORDINATES": [ -107.9187, 39.48285 ], "TYPE": "Point" }, "LastUpdatedDate": "2012-10-24", "RecAreaID": 1708, "RecAreaLongitude": -107.9187, "RecAreaDirections": "The river corridor lies between Steamboat Springs and Vail, Colorado. River access is provided by I-70 and several highways and county roads. Kremmling, Dotsero, and the White River National Forest are a 2-3 hour drive from the Denver Metropolitan area.", "RecAreaPhone": "970-724-3000", "OrgRecAreaID": "" }

Recreation Area Facilities

This endpoint retrieves all facilities within a specific recreation area.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
recAreaID numeric required the recreation area ID
query string optional query filter criteria. Searches on facility name, description, keywords, and stay limit.
limit numeric optional number of records to return (max 50)
offset numeric optional start record of overall result set
latitude numeric optional Latitude of the point in decimal degrees
longitude numeric optional Longitude of the point in decimal degrees
radius numeric optional Distance (in miles) by which to include search results
lastupdated date optional return all records modified since this date

This endpoint retrieves a specific facility within a specific recreation area.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
recAreaID numeric required the recreation area ID
facilityID numeric required the facility ID

Example recreation area facility JSON response

   "FacilityEmail": "",
   "FacilityLongitude": "",
   "LastUpdatedBy": 1090,
   "FacilityDescription": "This recreation area is part of Alamo Lake",
   "FacilityLatitude": "",
   "FacilityTypeDescription": "",
   "FacilityPhone": "",
   "FacilityMapURL": "",
   "FacilityReservationURL": "",
   "FacilityDirections": "",
   "FacilityName": "Alamo State Park",
   "Keywords": "",
   "FacilityUseFeeDescription": "",
   "StayLimit": "",
   "LastUpdatedDate": "2013-09-25",
   "FacilityAdaAccess": "",
   "LegacyFacilityID": "",
   "OrgFacilityID": 5459596,
   "FacilityID": 247799

Recreation Area Addresses

This endpoint retrieves all recreation area addresses. Each recreation area must have at least one state and country listed.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
query string optional query filter criteria. Searches on city, state, postal code, country code, and street address fields 1, 2, and 3
limit numeric optional number of records to return (max 50)
offset numeric optional start record of overall result set

This endpoint retrieves addresses for a specific recreation area.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
recAreaID numeric required the recreation area ID
query string optional query filter criteria. Searches on city, state and street address fields 1, 2, and 3.
limit numeric optional number of records to return (max 50)
offset numeric optional start record of overall result set

This endpoint retrieves a specific recreation area address.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
recAreaAddressID numeric required the recreation area address ID

Another endpoint to retrieve a specific recreation area address.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
recAreaID numeric required the recreation area ID
recAreaAddressID numeric required the recreation area address ID

Example recreation area address JSON response

    "PostalCode": 95630,
    "LastUpdatedBy": 1045,
    "RecAreaAddressID": 302,
    "LastUpdatedDate": "July, 08 2004 00:00:00",
    "RecAreaID": 44,
    "AddressStateCode": "CA",
    "City": "Folsom",
    "RecAreaStreetAddress1": "Bureau of Land Management",
    "RecAreaAddressType": "",
    "RecAreaStreetAddress2": "Folsum Field Office",
    "RecAreaStreetAddress3": "63 Natoma Street",
    "AddressCountryCode": "USA"

Recreation Area Media

This endpoint retrieves all media for a specific recreation area. See media for more information.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
recAreaID numeric required the recreation area ID
query string optional query filter criteria. Searches on title, subtitle, description, credits, and media type
limit numeric optional number of records to return (max 50)
offset numeric optional start record of overall result set

This endpoint retrieves a specific recreation area media item.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
recAreaID numeric required the recreation area ID
entityMediaID numeric required the media entity ID

Another endpoint to retrieve a specific recreation area media item.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
recAreaID numeric required the recreation area ID
entityMediaID numeric required the media entity ID

Example recreation area media JSON response

    "EntityType": "RecArea",
    "EntityID": 1708,
    "Credits": "",
    "Description": "",
    "Subtitle": "",
    "EmbedCode": "",
    "Height": 0,
    "MediaType": "Image",
    "URL": "",
    "Width": 0,
    "Title": "Upper Colorado River "

This endpoint retrieves links for a specific recreation area. See links for more information.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
recAreaID numeric required the recreation area ID
query string optional query filter criteria. Searches on title, description, and link type
limit numeric optional number of records to return (max 50)
offset numeric optional start record of overall result set

This endpoint retrieves a specific recreation area link item.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
recAreaID numeric required the recreation area ID
entityLinkID numeric required the entity link ID

Another endpoint to retrieve a specific recreation area link item.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
recAreaID numeric required the recreation area ID
entityLinkID numeric required the entity link ID

Example recreation area link JSON response

    "EntityType": "RecArea",
    "EntityID": 1708,
    "LinkType": "Official Web Site",
    "Description": "",
    "URL": "",
    "Title": "Upper Colorado River "

Recreation Area Events

This endpoint retrieves events for a specific recreation area. See events for more information.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
recAreaID numeric required the recreation area ID
query string optional query filter criteria. Searches on event name, start/end date, description, age group, ADA access, fee description, scope description, and type description
limit numeric optional number of records to return (max 50)
offset numeric optional start record of overall result set

This endpoint retrieves a specific recreation area event item.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
recAreaID numeric required the recreation area ID
entityEventID numeric required the entity event ID

Another endpoint to retrieve a specific recreation area event item.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
recAreaID numeric required the recreation area ID
eventID numeric required the event ID

Example recreation area event JSON response

    "EventDescription": "Wildlife and Forestry Festival for National Hunting and Fishing Day, including sports events",
    "SponsorURLAddress": "",
    "EventID": 10856,
    "EventAgeGroup": "",
    "LastUpdatedBy": 1090,
    "EventADAAccess": "",
    "SponsorEmail": "",
    "EventName": "Hunting and Fishing Festival",
    "SponsorName": "",
    "EventEmail": "",
    "EventComments": "",
    "EventEndDate": "September, 28 2013 00:00:00",
    "EventFrequencyRateDescription": "",
    "LastUpdatedDate": "September, 25 2013 00:00:00",
    "SponsorURLText": "",
    "EventScopeDescription": "",
    "EventRegistrationRequired": 0,
    "EventStartDate": "September, 28 2013 00:00:00",
    "EventTypeDescription": "",
    "SponsorPhone": "",
    "EventFeeDescription": "",
    "EventURLAddress": "",
    "SponsorClassType": "",
    "EventURLText": "",
    "SubmittedID": 632

Recreation Area Activities

This endpoint retrieves activities for a specific recreation area. See activities for more information.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
recAreaID numeric required the recreation area ID
query string optional query filter criteria. Searches on activity name
limit numeric optional number of records to return (max 50)
offset numeric optional start record of overall result set

This endpoint retrieves a specific recreation area activity item.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
recAreaID numeric required the recreation area ID
activityID numeric required the activity ID

Another endpoint to retrieve a specific recreation area activity item.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
recAreaID numeric required the recreation area ID
activityID numeric required the activity ID


Facilities are points of interest within recreations areas. Facilities can also “stand on their own” without a parent recreation area. Facilities can also be comprised of or more child facilities. Examples are a ranger station, hotel, campground or trail. Facilities can also be areas within larger facilities. Example is Alamo National Park that resides within the Alamo Lake recreation area. Facilities can also be reservable or non-reservable.

Example recreation area activity JSON response

    "ActivityID": 5,
    "ActivityLevel": 0,
    "ActivityParentID": 0,
    "ActivityName": "BIKING"

Get All Facilities

This endpoint retrieves all facilities.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
query string optional query filter criteria. Searches on facility name, description, keywords, and stay limit
limit numeric optional number of records to return (max 50)
offset numeric optional start record of overall result set
full string optional return the full record details or compact (abbreviated) details
latitude numeric optional Latitude of the point in decimal degrees
longitude numeric optional Longitude of the point in decimal degrees
radius numeric optional Distance (in miles) by which to include search results
state string optional comma delimited list of 2 character state codes
activity string optional comma delimited list of activity IDs (see activities)
lastupdated date optional return all records modified since this date

Get a Specific Facility

This endpoint retrieves a specific facility.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
facilityID numeric required the facility ID
full string optional return the full record details or compact (abbreviated) details

Example facility JSON response

    "FacilityEmail": "",
    "FacilityLongitude": -96.331389,
    "LastUpdatedBy": 1008,
    "FacilityDescription": "Like the other Presidential Libraries, the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum is also a research institution, totally integrated into the academic environment of Texas A&M University.<p> \r\nThe Bush Library's collections include 38,000,000 pages of official and personal papers, 1,000,000 photographs, 2,500 hours of videotape, and 70,000 museum objects. These rich primary sources document George Bush's distinguished public career as congressman, Ambassador to the United Nations, Chief of the U.S. Liaison Office in China, Chairman of the Republican National Committee, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Vice-President, and President. Included in the Museum's exhibits are items ranging from a 1925 film of George Bush's first steps in Kennebunkport, Maine, to records and memorabilia from his tenure as the 41st President of the United States. <p>\r\nThe Museum also contains a special section is dedicated to former First Lady Barbara Bush and a classroom designed specifically for students from kindergarten through high school. <p>\r\nOperated by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum is the tenth Presidential Library in the United States. The library is located on the Texas A&M University campus in College Station, Texas. \r\n",
    "FacilityLatitude": 30.612222,
    "FacilityTypeDescription": "Library",
    "FacilityPhone": "979-691-4000",
    "FacilityMapURL": "",
    "FacilityReservationURL": "",
    "FacilityDirections": "See the map at <a href=\"\"></a>\r\n<p>\r\n<u>From Houston</u>: Take I-45 north to Conroe. In Conroe, take Hwy 105 west to Navasota. From Navasota, Hwy 6 north will go to Bryan / College Station. Take the Business 6 / Texas Avenue exit (LEFT exit). At the second light, make a left onto FM 2818 and go approximately four miles to George Bush Drive. Make a right onto George Bush Drive. The entrance to the George Bush Library is approximately 1/4 mile on the left. Travel time: approximately two hours. \r\n<br>\r\n<u>From Dallas</u>: Take I-45 south to Madisonville. Take Hwy 21 west to Bryan / College Station. At the junction of Hwy 21 and FM 2818, make a left onto FM 2818 and continue for approximately six miles to George Bush Drive. Turn left onto George Bush Drive. The entrance to the George Bush Library is approximately 1/4 mile on the left. Travel time: approximately two and one half hours. <br>\r\n<u>From Fort Worth</u>:\r\nTake I-35 south to Waco. From Waco, travel south to Bryan / College Station on Hwy 6. Exit onto FM 2818 before arriving in Bryan and follow the signs to George Bush Drive. Make a left onto George Bush Drive. The entrance to the George Bush Library is approximately 1/4 mile on the left. Travel time: approximately three hours. <br>\r\n<u>From Austin</u>:\r\nTake Hwy 290 east to the intersection with Hwy 21 north. Take Hwy 21 north to Bryan / College Station. At the junction with FM 2818, make a right turn on to FM 2818 and go approximately six miles to George Bush Drive. The entrance to the George Bush Library is approximately 1/4 mile on the left. Travel time: approximately one and one half hours. \r\n<br>\r\n<u>From San Antonio</u>:\r\nTake I-35 north to San Marcos. From San Marcos, travel north on Hwy 21 to Bryan / College Station. At the junction with FM 2818, make a right turn on to FM 2818 and go approximately six miles to George Bush Drive. The entrance to the George Bush Library is approximately 1/4 mile on the left. Travel time: approximately three hours. \r\n\r\n.",
    "FacilityName": "George Bush Presidential Library and Museum",
    "Keywords": "",
    "FacilityUseFeeDescription": "",
    "StayLimit": "",
    "LastUpdatedDate": "February, 26 2007 00:49:30",
    "FacilityAdaAccess": true,
    "LegacyFacilityID": "",
    "OrgFacilityID": "",
    "FacilityID": 200001

Facility Addresses

This endpoint retrieves all facility addresses. Each facility must have at least one state and country listed.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
query string optional query filter criteria. Searches on city, state, postal code, country code, and street address fields 1, 2, and 3
limit numeric optional number of records to return (max 50)
offset numeric optional start record of overall result set

This endpoint retrieves addresses for a specific facility.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
facilityID numeric required the facility ID
query string optional query filter criteria. Searches on city, state, postal code, country code, and street address fields 1, 2, and 3
limit numeric optional number of records to return (max 50)
offset numeric optional start record of overall result set

This endpoint retrieves a specific facility address.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
facilityAddressID numeric required the facility address ID

Another endpoint to retrieve a specific facility address.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
facilityID numeric required the facility ID
facilityAddressID numeric required the facility address ID

Example facility address JSON response

    "FacilityAddressID": 10239,
    "PostalCode": 72543,
    "FacilityAddressType": "",
    "AddressStateCode": "AR",
    "FacilityStreetAddress1": "349 Hatchery Road",
    "City": "Heber Springs",
    "FacilityStreetAddress3": "",
    "FacilityStreetAddress2": "",
    "FacilityID": 201772,
    "AddressCountryCode": "USA"

Facility Media

This endpoint retrieves all media for a specific facility. See media for more information.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
facilityID numeric required the facility ID
query string optional query filter criteria. Searches on title, subtitle, description, credits, and media type
limit numeric optional number of records to return (max 50)
offset numeric optional start record of overall result set

This endpoint retrieves a specific facility media item.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
facilityID numeric required the facility ID
entityMediaID numeric required the media entity ID

Another endpoint to retrieve a specific facility media item.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
facilityID numeric required the facility ID
entityMediaID numeric required the media entity ID

Example facility media JSON response

    "EntityType": "Facility",
    "EntityID": 203244,
    "Credits": "",
    "Description": "",
    "Subtitle": "",
    "EmbedCode": "",
    "Height": 0,
    "MediaType": "Image",
    "URL": "",
    "Width": 0,
    "Title": ""

This endpoint retrieves all links for a specific facility. See links for more information.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
facilityID numeric required the facility ID
query string optional query filter criteria. Searches on title, description, and link type
limit numeric optional number of records to return (max 50)
offset numeric optional start record of overall result set

This endpoint retrieves a specific facility link item.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
facilityID numeric required the facility ID
entityLinkID numeric required the facility link ID

Another endpoint to retrieve a specific facility link item.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
facilityID numeric required the facility ID
entityLinkID numeric required the link entity ID

Example facility link JSON response

    "EntityType": "Facility",
    "EntityID": 203896,
    "LinkType": "Reservation",
    "Description": "",
    "URL": "",
    "Title": "George Washington's Gristmill Online Reservation"

Facility Events

This endpoint retrieves events for a specific facility. See events for more information.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
facilityID numeric required the facility ID
query string optional query filter criteria. Searches on event name, start/end date, description, age group, ADA access, fee description, scope description, and type description
limit numeric optional number of records to return (max 50)
offset numeric optional start record of overall result set

This endpoint retrieves a specific facility event item.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
facilityID numeric required the facility ID
entityEventID numeric required the entity event ID

Another endpoint to retrieve a specific facility event item.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
facilityID numeric required the facility ID
eventID numeric required the event ID

Example facility event JSON response

    "EventDescription": "Test Description",
    "SponsorURLAddress": "",
    "EventID": 10021,
    "EventAgeGroup": "",
    "LastUpdatedBy": 1,
    "EventADAAccess": "",
    "SponsorEmail": "",
    "EventName": "Test Event",
    "SponsorName": "",
    "EventEmail": "",
    "EventComments": "",
    "EventEndDate": "October, 13 2006 00:00:00",
    "EventFrequencyRateDescription": "",
    "LastUpdatedDate": "August, 16 2005 00:00:00",
    "SponsorURLText": "",
    "EventScopeDescription": "",
    "EventRegistrationRequired": 0,
    "EventStartDate": "October, 12 2006 00:00:00",
    "EventTypeDescription": "",
    "SponsorPhone": "",
    "EventFeeDescription": "",
    "EventURLAddress": "",
    "SponsorClassType": "",
    "EventURLText": "",
    "SubmittedID": ""

Facility Activities

This endpoint retrieves activities for a specific facility. See activities for more information.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
facilityID numeric required the facility ID
query string optional query filter criteria. Searches on activity name
limit numeric optional number of records to return (max 50)
offset numeric optional start record of overall result set

This endpoint retrieves a specific facility activity item.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
facilityID numeric required the facility ID
activityID numeric required the activity ID

Another endpoint to retrieve a specific facility activity item.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
facilityID numeric required the facility ID
activityID numeric required the activity ID

Facility Historical Reservations

This endpoint retrieves historical reservations for a specific facility. See Historical Reservations for more information.

HTTP Request


This endpoint retrieves a specific historical reservation for a specific facility.

HTTP Request



Campsites are associated to parent facilities.

Example facility activity JSON response

    "ActivityID": 8,
    "ActivityLevel": 0,
    "ActivityParentID": 0,
    "ActivityName": "HISTORIC & CULTURAL SITE"

Get All Campsites

This endpoint retrieves all campsites.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
query string optional query filter criteria. Searches on campsite name, type, loop, type of use (Overnight/Day), campsite accessible (Yes/No)
limit numeric optional number of records to return (max 50)
offset numeric optional start record of overall result set

Get a Specific Campsite

This endpoint retrieves a specific campsite.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
campsiteID numeric required the campsite ID

Get All Campsites for a Specific Facility

This endpoint retrieves all campsites for a specific facility.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
facilityid numeric required the facility ID
query string optional query filter criteria. Searches on campsite name, type, loop, type of use (Overnight/Day), campsite accessible (Yes/No)
limit numeric optional number of records to return (max 50)
offset numeric optional start record of overall result set

Get a Specific Campsite for a Specific Facility

This endpoint retrieves a specific campsite for a specific facility.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
facilityID numeric required the facility ID
campsiteID numeric required the campsite ID

Get All Permitted Equipment for a Campsite

This endpoint retrieves all permitted equipment for a campsite.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
campsiteID numeric required the campsite ID
query string optional query filter criteria. Searches on equipment name and max length (in feet)
limit numeric optional number of records to return (max 50)
offset numeric optional start record of overall result set

Get a Specific Permitted Equipment for a Specific Campsite

This endpoint retrieves a specific permitted equipment for a specific campsite.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
campsiteID numeric required the campsite ID
permittedequipmentID numeric required the premitted equipment ID

Get All Attributes for a Specific Campsite

This endpoint retrieves all attributes for a specific campsite.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
campsiteID numeric required the campsite ID
query string optional query filter criteria. Searches on attribute name
limit numeric optional number of records to return (max 50)
offset numeric optional start record of overall result set

Campsite Historical Reservations

This endpoint retrieves historical reservations for a specific campsite. See Historical Reservations for more information.

HTTP Request


This endpoint retrieves a specific historical reservation for a specific campsite.

HTTP Request


Permit Entrances

Permit entrances are associated to parent facilities.

Example campsite JSON response

    "LastUpdatedBy": 1101,
    "LastUpdatedDate": "September, 18 2014 02:08:52",
    "TypeOfUse": "Overnight",
    "CreatedDate": "May, 02 2014 17:15:05",
    "CampsiteType": "STANDARD NONELECTRIC",
    "CampsiteID": 1,
    "CampsiteName": 65,
    "Loop": "LOOP C - Sites 1,2,3,4, 45-99",
    "CampsiteAccessible": false,
    "FacilityID": 232446

Get All Permit Entrances

This endpoint retrieves all permit entrances.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
query string optional query filter criteria. Searches on permit name, type (Campground, Cabin, etc.), description, accessible (Yes/No), district, and town
limit numeric optional number of records to return (max 50)
offset numeric optional start record of overall result set

Get a Specific Permit Entrance

This endpoint retrieves a specific permit entrance.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
permitEntranceID numeric required the permit entrance ID

Get All Permit Entrances For a Specific Facility

This endpoint retrieves all permit entrances for a specific facility.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
facilityid numeric required the facility ID
query string optional query filter criteria. Searches on permit name, type (Campground, Cabin, etc.), description, accessible (Yes/No), district, and town
limit numeric optional number of records to return (max 50)
offset numeric optional start record of overall result set

Get a Specific Permit Entrance for a Specific Facility

This endpoint retrieves a specific permit entrance for a specific facility.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
facilityID numeric required the facility ID
permitEntranceID numeric required the permit entrance ID

Get all Zones for a Specific Permit Entrance

This endpoint retrieves all zones for a specific permit entrance.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
permitEntranceID numeric required the permit entrance ID

Get all Zones for a Specific Permit Entrance

This endpoint retrieves a specific zone for a specific permit entrance.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
permitEntranceID numeric required the permit entrance ID
zoneID numeric required the zone ID

Get All Attributes for a Specific Permit Entrance

This endpoint retrieves all attributes for a specific permit entrance.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
permitEntranceID numeric required the permit entrance ID
query string optional query filter criteria. Searches on attribute name
limit numeric optional number of records to return (max 50)
offset numeric optional start record of overall result set

Permit Entrance Historical Reservations

This endpoint retrieves historical reservations for a specific permit entrance. See Historical Reservations for more information.

HTTP Request


This endpoint retrieves a specific historical reservation for a specific permit entrance.

HTTP Request



Tours are associated to parent facilities. Tours can also be members of parent tour packages as denoted by the “membertours” attribute.

Get All Tours

Example permit entrance JSON response

    "PermitEntranceID": 1,
    "District": "Gunflint District",
    "LastUpdatedBy": 1101,
    "PermitEntranceType": "Entry Point",
                    "SiteAttributeName": "Important Information",
                    "SiteAttributeValue": "Camping limited to designated U.S.F.S. sites."
    "CreatedDate": "May, 02 2014 18:31:41",
    "Town": "Grand Marais",
    "ZONES": [ ],
    "PermitEntranceAccessible": false,
    "Latitude": 48.0625,
    "LastUpdatedDate": "September, 18 2014 03:01:30",
    "PermitEntranceName": "Duncan Lake (op)",
    "Longitude": -90.43944444444445,
    "ENTITYMEDIA": [ ],
    "isActive": 1,
    "FacilityID": 233396,
    "PermitEntranceDescription": "Method of travel is paddle. Access is from West Bearskin Lake with a 70-rod portage to Duncan Lake and an 80-rod portage to Rose. For more information, please call the Gunflint Ranger Station at 218-387-1750."

This endpoint retrieves all tours.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
query string optional query filter criteria. Searches on tour name, type, description, and accessible (Yes/No)
limit numeric optional number of records to return (max 50)
offset numeric optional start record of overall result set

Example tour JSON response

    "TourAccessible": false,
    "TourDescription": "Meet a character from Mesa Verdes past! Join a knowledgeable ranger, portraying a notable figure from Mesa Verdes past, who will guide you through Cliff Place as the sun begins to set below the mesa top. This is a unique opportunity to learn about North Americas largest cliff dwelling through the eyes of the people who found, stabilized, and preserved it in the late 1800s and early 1900s.",
    "TourID": 1,
    "LastUpdatedBy": 1101,
    "LastUpdatedDate": "September, 18 2014 03:01:30",
    "TourDuration": 90,
    "TourType": "Cliff Dwelling Tour",
                    "SiteAttributeName": "Directions To Tour",
                    "SiteAttributeValue": "From the park entrance, drive 20 miles (32.2 km) to the stop sign. Turn left and drive 0.4 miles (0.6 km) and turn left. Drive 1.7 miles (2.7 km) to Cliff Palace. Meet the ranger on the overlook above the site at least 15 minutes in advance."
                    "SiteAttributeName": "Distance (miles)",
                    "SiteAttributeValue": 0.25
                    "SiteAttributeName": "Important Information",
                    "SiteAttributeValue": "Consider your physical health before joining a hike, especially if you have heart or respiratory problems, or other physical difficulties. Elevations range between 7,000 and 7,500 feet (2134m and 2286m) above sea level. You should plan for all weather possibilities because weather conditions are quite variable. Its possible to begin your hike in full sun and end with a thunderstorm or snowstorm."
                    "SiteAttributeName": "Long Description",
                    "SiteAttributeValue": "Meet a character from Mesa Verdes past! Join a knowledgeable ranger, portraying a notable figure from Mesa Verdes past, who will guide you through Cliff Place as the sun begins to set below the mesa top. This is a unique opportunity to learn about North Americas largest cliff dwelling through the eyes of the people who found, stabilized, and preserved it in the late 1800s and early 1900s. <br /><br />This moderate 90-minute tour has an elevation change of 100 feet (30m) descending uneven stone steps and climbing four, 8- to 10-foot (2.4m to 3m) ladders. Participants will be provided an intimate, leisurely encounter with Mesa Verdes largest cliff dwelling. The tour is available from May 25, 2014 to September 4, 2014 on Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays."
                    "SiteAttributeName": "Num of Steps",
                    "SiteAttributeValue": 200
                    "SiteAttributeName": "Physical Effort",
                    "SiteAttributeValue": "Moderate"
                    "SiteAttributeName": "Tour Days / Hours Description",
                    "SiteAttributeValue": "Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays"
                    "SiteAttributeName": "Tour Days of Week",
                    "SiteAttributeValue": "Sunday"
    "CreatedDate": "May, 02 2014 18:31:41",
    "MEMBERTOURS": [ ],
    "ENTITYMEDIA": [ ],
    "FacilityID": 233362,
    "TourName": "Twilight Tour"

Get a Specific Tour

This endpoint retrieves a specific tour.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
tourID numeric required the tour ID

Get All Tours for a Specific Facility

This endpoint retrieves all tours for a specific facility.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
facilityid numeric required the facility ID
query string optional query filter criteria. Searches on tour name, type, description, and accessible (Yes/No)
limit numeric optional number of records to return (max 50)
offset numeric optional start record of overall result set

Get a Specific Tour for a Specific Facility

This endpoint retrieves a specific tour for a specific facility.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
facilityID numeric required the facility ID
tourID numeric required the tour ID

Get All Attributes for a Specific Tour

This endpoint retrieves all attributes for a specific tour.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
tourID numeric required the tour ID
query string optional query filter criteria. Searches on attribute name
limit numeric optional number of records to return (max 50)
offset numeric optional start record of overall result set

Tour Historical Reservations

This endpoint retrieves historical reservations for a specific tour. See Historical Reservations for more information.

HTTP Request


This endpoint retrieves a specific historical reservation for a specific tour.

HTTP Request



Activities are associated to recreation areas and facilities. Examples are climbing, boating, and camping.

Get All Activities

This endpoint retrieves all activities.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
query string optional query filter criteria. Searches on activity name
limit numeric optional number of records to return (max 50)
offset numeric optional start record of overall result set

Get a Specific Activity

This endpoint retrieves a specific activity item.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
activityID numeric required the activity ID


Events are associated to either recreation areas or facilities. Examples are Salmon Festivals, Halloween in the Park, Balloon Festivals, Environmental Fairs, and Fishing tournaments.

Get All Events

Example activity JSON response

    "ActivityID": 4,
    "ActivityLevel": 0,
    "ActivityParentID": 0,
    "ActivityName": "AUTO TOURING"

This endpoint retrieves all events.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
query string optional query filter criteria. Searches on event name, start/end date, description, age group, ADA access, fee description, scope description, and type description
limit numeric optional number of records to return (max 50)
offset numeric optional start record of overall result set

Get a Specific Event

This endpoint retrieves a specific event item.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
eventID numeric required the event ID


Media is hyperlinks to either images or video associated with a recreation area, facility or campsite.

Get All Media

Example event JSON response

    "EventDescription": "asdfasdfasdfasdfaf",
    "EventAgeGroup": "",
    "EventID": 10005,
    "SponsorURLAddress": "",
    "EventADAAccess": "",
    "SponsorEmail": "",
    "EventName": "test event",
    "SponsorName": "",
    "EventComments": "",
    "EventFrequencyRateDescription": "",
    "EventRegistrationRequired": 0,
    "SponsorURLText": "",
    "EventFeeDescription": "",
    "EventURLText": "",
    "SponsorClassType": "",
    "SubmittedID": "",
    "LastUpdatedBy": 1,
    "EventEmail": "",
    "EventEndDate": "July, 14 2004 00:00:00",
    "LastUpdatedDate": "July, 13 2004 00:00:00",
    "EventScopeDescription": "",
    "EventStartDate": "July, 07 2004 00:00:00",
    "EventTypeDescription": "",
    "SponsorPhone": "",
    "EventURLAddress": "",

This endpoint retrieves all media.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
query string optional query filter criteria. Searches on title, subtitle, description, credits, and media type
limit numeric optional number of records to return (max 50)
offset numeric optional start record of overall result set

Get a Specific Media Item

This endpoint retrieves a specific media item.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
entityMediaID numeric required the media ID


Links are hyperlinks that provide information associated with a recreation area or facility. Link type examples are official websites, local partnerships, concessionaires, Flickr, Facebook, YouTube channels, Google+, and Twitter.

Example media JSON response

    "EntityType": "Facility",
    "EntityID": 203244,
    "Credits": "",
    "Description": "",
    "Subtitle": "",
    "EmbedCode": "",
    "Height": 0,
    "MediaType": "Image",
    "URL": "http://ridb.recreation,.gov/images/1.jpg",
    "Width": 0,
    "Title": ""

This endpoint retrieves all links.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
query string optional query filter criteria. Searches on title, description, and link type
limit numeric optional number of records to return (max 50)
offset numeric optional start record of overall result set

This endpoint retrieves a specific link item.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
entityLinkID numeric required the link ID

Example link JSON response

    "EntityType": "Facility",
    "EntityID": 203896,
    "LinkType": "Reservation",
    "Description": "",
    "URL": "",
    "Title": "George Washington's Gristmill Online Reservation"

Historical Reservations

Historical reservation data dates back to fiscal year 2006.

Get All Historical Reservations

This endpoint retrieves all historical reservations.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
query string optional query filter criteria. Searches on agency, region code, region description, parent location, and park
limit numeric optional number of records to return (max 50)
offset numeric optional start record of overall result set
latitude numeric optional Latitude of the point in decimal degrees
longitude numeric optional Longitude of the point in decimal degrees
radius numeric optional Distance (in miles) by which to include search results
orderdatemin date optional Minimum order date, returns all dates greater than the specified date
orderdatemax date optional Maximum order date, returns dates less than the specified date
reservationdatemin date optional Minimum reservation date, returns all dates greater than the specified date
reservationdatemax date optional Date of maximum reservation date, returns dates less than the specified date
usefeemin numeric optional Minimum use fee
usefeemax numeric optional Maximum use fee
totalpaidmin numeric optional Minimum total paid
totalpaidmax numeric optional Maximum total paid

This endpoint retrieves a specific historical reservation.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
historicalReservationID numeric required the historical reservation ID

Example historical reservation JSON response

         "EntityType": "Site",
         "CanoeKayak": "",
         "Bicycle": "",
         "FacilityLatitude": 44.7575,
         "Truck": "",
         "PowerBoat": "",
         "RVMotorhome": "",
         "OrgID": 126,
         "StartDate": "2007-08-01",
         "Park": "FISHERMENS BEND",
         "Car": "",
         "PickupCamper": "",
         "Agency": "BLM",
         "OrderDate": "2006-08-09",
         "SmallTent": "",
         "Tax": 0,
         "HorseTrailer": "",
         "ProductID": 142373,
         "Van": "",
         "BoatTrailer": "",
         "TotalBeforeTax": 225,
         "CustomerZIP": 97301,
         "RegionDescription": "Cascades",
         "Trailer": "",
         "FacilityID": 234074,
         "FacilityLongitude": -122.51027778,
         "HistoricalReservationID": 852282,
         "OrderNumber": "1-5317808",
         "UseType": "Overnight",
         "FacilityZIP": 97360,
         "CustomerCountry": "USA",
         "ParentLocationID": 74328,
         "RegionCode": 84,
         "Bus": "",
         "Boat": "",
         "FifthWheel": "",
         "LargeTentOver9x12": "",
         "CustomerState": "OR",
         "ParentLocation": "Salem",
         "SiteType": "GROUP STANDARD ELECTRIC",
         "EndDate": "2007-08-04",
         "Popup": "",
         "Snowmobile": "",
         "NumberOfPeople": 40,
         "Tent": "",
         "UseFee": 215,
         "EntityID": 8905,
         "Marinaboat": "",
         "AttrFee": 0,
         "CodeHierarchy": "|1|70901|74323|74328|74473|74081|",
         "FacilityState": "OR",
         "LegacyFacilityID": 74081,
         "TranFee": 10,
         "Motorcycle": "",
         "TotalPaid": 225,
         "OffRoadlAllTerrainVehicle": ""


Trail Data is currently available for the US Forest Service and Fish and Wildlife Service

Get All US Forest Service Trails

This endpoint retrieves all US Forest Service trails.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
query string optional query filter criteria. Searches on trail name and trail number
limit string optional number of records to return (max 50)
offset string optional start record of overall result set
milesmin string optional Minimum trail length (in miles)
milesmax string optional Maximum trail length (in miles)
latitude numeric optional Latitude of the point in decimal degrees
longitude numeric optional Longitude of the point in decimal degrees
radius numeric optional Distance (in miles) by which to include search results
lastupdated date optional return all records modified since this date

This endpoint retrieves a specific US Forest Service trail.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
trailID numeric required the trail ID

Example USFS trail JSON response

      "ATVManaged": "N/A",
      "NationalTrailDesignation": 0,
      "PackSaddleAccptDisc": "N/A",
      "NonmotorWatercraftManaged": "N/A",
      "BicycleAccptDisc": "N/A",
      "SnowmobileRestricted": "N/A",
      "ShapeLength": 0.005045564531311323,
      "TrailSurface": "N/A",
      "SecurityId": 419,
      "GEOM": "LINESTRING (-111.64395204599998 41.905811537000034, -111.64405996699998 41.905864972000074)",
      "MotorcycleRestricted": "N/A",
      "MotorWatercraftManaged": "N/A",
      "AllowedTerraUse": "N/A",
      "ManagingOrg": 41907,
      "SnowshoeManaged": "N/A",
      "SnowshoeAccptDisc": "N/A",
      "NonmotorWatercraftRestricted": "N/A",
      "ATVAccptDisc": "N/A",
      "MotorWatercraftRestricted": "N/A",
      "HikerPedestrianRestricted": "N/A",
      "HikerPedestrianManaged": "N/A",
      "MVUMSymbol": 99,
      "TrailType": "TERRA",
      "TypicalTrailGrade": "N/A",
      "NonmotorWatercraftAccptDisc": "N/A",
      "SnowmobileAccptDisc": "N/A",
      "SpecialMgmtArea": "N/A",
      "SnowMotorized": "N/A",
      "BicycleRestricted": "N/A",
      "TrailNo": 7008,
      "SnowmobileManaged": "N/A",
      "TerraBaseSymbology": "TC3",
      "TrailClass": "N",
      "FourwdAccptDisc": "N/A",
      "BicycleManaged": "N/A",
      "HikerPedestrianAccptDisc": "N/A",
      "ATVRestricted": "N/A",
      "Attributesubset": "TrailNFS_Centerline",
      "TypicalTreadCrossSlope": "N/A",
      "MotorcycleManaged": "N/A",
      "XcountrySkiAccptDisc": "N/A",
      "XcountrySkiRestricted": "N/A",
      "AdminOrg": 41907,
      "PackSaddleManaged": "N/A",
      "SnowshoeRestricted": "N/A",
      "FourwdManaged": "N/A",
      "BMP": 0,
      "TrailCn": 17141010602,
      "SurfaceFirmness": "N/A",
      "AllowedSnowUse": "N/A",
      "TypicalTreadWidth": "N/A",
      "FourwdRestricted": "N/A",
      "TrailName": "WHITE PINE CUTOFF",
      "PackSaddleRestricted": "N/A",
      "EMP": 0.2,
      "MotorcycleAccptDisc": "N/A",
      "XcountrySkiManaged": "N/A",
      "GISMiles": 0.312,
      "MotorWatercraftAccptDisc": "N/A",
      "AccessibilityStatus": "N/A",
      "TerraMotorized": "N/A",
      "LastUpdatedDate": "2016-08-19",
      "TrailUSFSID": 50,
      "MinimumTrailWidth": "N/A",
      "SegmentLength": 0.2,
      "WaterMotorized": "N/A"

Get All FWS Trails

This endpoint retrieves all FWS trails.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
query string optional query filter criteria. Searches on trail name, trail number, state, and address
limit string optional number of records to return (max 50)
offset string optional start record of overall result set
latitude numeric optional Latitude of the point in decimal degrees
longitude numeric optional Longitude of the point in decimal degrees
radius numeric optional Distance (in miles) by which to include search results
lastupdated date optional return all records modified since this date

This endpoint retrieves a specific FWS trail.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
trailID numeric required the trail ID

Example FWS trail JSON response

      "TrailClass": "TC4",
      "BeginMP": 0,
      "State": "ID",
      "OrgCode": 14235,
      "CycleID": 1,
      "TrailLength": 0.16,
      "TrailCondition": "Excellent",
      "Phone": "208-926-4272",
      "County": "Idaho",
      "AvgGrade": 2.7,
      "Surface": "Mowed",
      "SAMMSNo": 10050209,
      "AvgSlope": 1.7,
      "AltSAMMS": "",
      "Station": "Kooskia NFH",
      "ShapeLength": 0.002925709340771129,
      "GEOM": "LINESTRING (-115.94675118022406 46.133406009925523, -115.94917297440929 46.132275259063135)",
      "Region": 1,
      "ManageUse": "Hiker/Pedestrian",
      "TrailDescription": "From County Road to Clear Creek Road",
      "CRVTrail": 10238,
      "SecNo": 1,
      "District": 1,
      "SurfaceFirm": "Hard",
      "Name": "Mill Pond Trail",
      "Area": 8340,
      "TrailFrom": "County Road",
      "SecLength": 0.16,
      "Address": "Route 1, Box 98A, Kooskia, ID 83539",
      "FCITrail": 0,
      "DMTrail": 0,
      "ElemID": "14235-T400-001",
      "AltType": "N/A",
      "InfoType": "N/A",
      "Datafile": "KOOS_TRAIIL.cor",
      "Width": 120,
      "LastUpdatedDate": "2016-08-23",
      "TrailTo": "Clear Creek Road",
      "TrailFWSID": 1,
      "TrailDesignation": "Other",
      "AccInfo": "N/A",
      "TrailNo": "T400",
      "EndMP": 0.16,
      "GPSDate": "2007-07-09 00:00:00.0"


The RIDB API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request - Often missing a required parameter.
401 Unauthorized - No valid API key provided.
402 Request Failed - Parameters were valid but request failed.
404 Not Found - The requested item doesn’t exist.
500, 502, 503, 504 Server errors - something went wrong on the RIDB server’s side.


The RIDB API uses cursor based pagination with the parameters “offset” and “limit”.

  • offset: where in the the result set you would like the output to begin.
  • limit: how many results you would like returned at a time (max 50). The default limit is 50.

The response body will return TOTAL_COUNT and CURRENT_COUNT.

  • TOTAL_COUNT represents the total number of records in the entire result set.
  • CURRENT_COUNT represents the number of records returned in the current result set based on the offest provided or if the total result set is nearing the completion of its records.

HTTP Request



The RIDB API uses versions. The version is referenced in all API end point calls.

HTTP Request


Entity Relationship Diagram

The following diagram represents the RIDB data relationships. Click the image for a larger version.


Data Dictionary


Organization the recreation area or facility is associated to (e.g. U.S. Forest Service, National Park Service)

Field Name Format Length Optional Description
OrgID INT N Organization ID
OrgName STRING 60 N Full name of organization
OrgAbbrevName STRING 20 Y Abbreviated name of the organization
OrgURLAddress STRING 256 N Internet address (URL) for web site of the organization responsible for submitting and maintaining the data to be exchanged
OrgURLText STRING 256 Y Optional Readable text that provides the URL address link
OrgImageURL STRING 256 Y Internet address (URL) that hosts the sample image or photo of the organization
OrgType STRING 40 Y Organization type
OrgJurisdictionType STRING 20 Y Organization jurisdiction type


Relationship between organizations and recreation areas, and facilities

Field Name Format Length Optional Description
EntityID INT N RecArea ID or Facility ID
EntityType STRING 1024 N "Facility" or "RecArea"
OrgID INT N The organization ID


Recreation area records (e.g. Yosemite National Park, Aldo Leopold Wilderness)

Field Name Format Length Optional Description
RecAreaID INT N RecArea ID
OrgRecAreaID INT Y The agency's internal Recreation Area ID
RecAreaName STRING 256 N Full Name of the recreational area
RecAreaDescription STRING MAX* N Text that describes the recreational area
RecAreaDirections STRING MAX* Y Directions to the recreational area
RecAreaFeeDescription STRING MAX* Y Text describing monetary charges associated with entrance to or usage of a recreational area
RecAreaMapURL STRING 256 Y Internet address (URL) that hosts the recreational area map
RecAreaReservationURL STRING 256 Y Internet address (URL) for the web site hosting the reservation system
RecAreaPhone STRING 256 Y Phone number for recreational area
RecAreaEmail STRING 256 N Email address of the recreational area
RecAreaLatitude DECIMAL Y Latitude in decimal degrees -90.0 to 90.0
RecAreaLongitude DECIMAL Y Longitude in decimal degrees -180.0 to 180.0
Keywords STRING 4000 Y List of keywords for the recreational area
StayLimit STRING 500 Y Details on the stay limits for the recreational area


Facility records (e.g. Yellowstone Group Campground, Barnum Whitewater Area)

Field Name Format Length Optional Description
FacilityID INT N Facility ID
OrgFacilityID INT N The agency's internal Facility ID
FacilityName STRING 256 N Full name of the facility
FacilityTypeDescription STRING 1024 Y Description of the type of facility
FacilityPhone STRING 256 Y Phone number of the facility
FacilityDescription STRING MAX* N Text describing the main features of the facility
FacilityDirections STRING MAX* Y Text that provides general directions and/or the general location of the facility
FacilityEmail STRING 60 Y Email address of the facility
FacilityMapURL STRING 256 Y Internet address (URL) that hosts the facility map
FacilityReservationURL STRING 256 Y Internet address (URL) for the web site hosting the reservation system
FacilityLatitude DECIMAL Y Latitude in decimal degrees -90.0 to 90.0
FacilityLongitude DECIMAL Y Longitude in decimal degrees -180.0 to 180.0
FacilityAdaAccess STRING 1024 Y Information about the Americans with Disabilities Act accessibility for the facility
FacilityUseFeeDescription STRING MAX* Y Text describing monetary charges associated with entrance to or usage of the facility
LegacyFacilityID STRING 20 Y Legacy facility ID
Keywords STRING 4000 Y List of keywords for the facility
StayLimit STRING 500 Y Details on the stay limits for the facility


Joins recreation areas and facilities to associated activities

Field Name Format Length Optional Description
EntityID INT N Foreign Key: RecArea RecAreaID or Facility FacilityID
EntityType STRING 1024 N Entity Type. "RecArea" or "Facility"
ActivityID INT N Foreign Key: RecreationalActivity ActivityID
ActivityDescription STRING 1024 Y Description of the activity
ActivityFeeDescription STRING 1024 Y Text describing monetary charges associated with the activity


Joins parent recreation areas to child facilities

Field Name Format Length Optional Description
RecAreaID INT N Foreign Key: RecArea RecAreaID
FacilityID INT N Foreign Key: Facility FacilityID


List of all activities

Field Name Format Length Optional Description
ActivityID INT N Activity ID
ActivityName STRING 60 N Name of the activity
ActivityLevel INT N Amount of physical exertion to be expected for a given activity such as hiking, swimming, etc


Recreation area addresses

Field Name Format Length Optional Description
RecAreaAddressID INT N Rec Area Address ID
RecAreaStreetAddress1 STRING 256 Y Address Line 1 of the recreational area
RecAreaStreetAddress2 STRING 256 Y Address Line 2 of the recreational area
RecAreaStreetAddress3 STRING 256 Y Address Line 3 of the recreational area
City STRING 60 Y City where the recreational area is located
AddressStateCode STRING 20 N State code for the recreational area
PostalCode STRING 20 Y Postal code for the recreational area
AddressCountryCode STRING 5 Y Abbreviated country code for the recreational area address
RecAreaID INT N Foreign Key: RecArea RecAreaID
RecAreaAddressType STRING 20 Y Address Type for the recreational area


Facility addresses

Field Name Format Length Optional Description
FacilityAddressID INT N Facility Address ID
FacilityStreetAddress1 STRING 256 Y Address Line 1 of the facility
FacilityStreetAddress2 STRING 256 Y Address Line 2 of the facility
FacilityStreetAddress3 STRING 256 Y Address Line 3 of the facility
City STRING 60 Y City where the facility is located
AddressStateCode STRING 20 N State code for the facility
PostalCode STRING 20 Y Postal code for the facility
AddressCountryCode STRING 5 Y Abbreviated country code for the facility address
FacilityID INT N Foreign Key: Facility FacilityID
FacilityAddressType STRING 20 Y Address type for the facility


Joins recreation areas to associated events

Field Name Format Length Optional Description
RecAreaID INT N Foreign Key: RecArea RecAreaID
EventID INT N Foreign Key: Event EventID


Joins facilities to associated events

Field Name Format Length Optional Description
FacilityID INT N Foreign Key: Facility FacilityID
EventID INT N Foreign Key: Event EventID


List of all events (e.g. Boat race, Archery Tournament)

Field Name Format Length Optional Description
EventID INT N Event ID
EntityID INT N Foreign Key: Facility FacilityID or RecArea RecAreaID
EntityType STRING 1024 N "Facility" or "RecArea"
EventDataStewardID INT Y Data Steward ID for the event
EventName STRING 60 N Full Name of the event
EventStartDate DATETIME N Calendar date on which event is scheduled to begin
EventDescription STRING 1024 N Text that provides a synopsis of an event
EventAgeGroup STRING 20 Y Age group for the event if available
EventURLAddress STRING 256 Y Internet address (URL) to a web site providing details about the event
EventURLText STRING 256 Y Optional text for the URL of the event
EventEmail STRING 60 Y Email contact for event
EventRegistrationRequired BIT N Code requesting a Yes or No response to determine whether registration is required for an event
EventADAAccess STRING 1024 Y Information about the Americans with Disabilities Act accessibility for the event
EventFeeDescription STRING 1024 Y Text for the description of fees associated with this event
EventComments STRING 1024 Y Text for the general occasion or activity to be offered
EventFrequencyRateDescription STRING 1024 Y Text that describes how often the event recurs
EventScopeDescription STRING 1024 Y Text that describes the extent, capacity, and scale of an event.
EventTypeDescription STRING 1024 Y Text that describes the types of events
SponsorName STRING 60 Y Full Name of the sponsor for the event
SponsorEmail STRING 60 Y Sponsor email address for the event
SponsorURLAddress STRING 256 Y Internet address (URL) to a web site for the sponsor
EventEndDate DATETIME N Calendar date on which event is scheduled to end
SponsorURLText STRING 256 Y Optional Readable text that provides the URL Sponsor link
SponsorPhone STRING 20 Y Phone Number for the sponsor of the Event
SponsorClassType STRING 20 Y Class and type of sponsor


Joins recreation areas to associated facilities

Field Name Format Length Optional Description
RecAreaID INT N Foreign Key: RecArea RecAreaID
FacilityID INT N Foreign Key: Facility FacilityID

Hyperlink to an external site (e.g. Agency site, Facebook, Twitter)

Field Name Format Length Optional Description
EntityType STRING 50 N RecArea or Facility
EntityID INT N Foreign Key: (RecArea RecAreaID) OR (Facility FacilityID)
LinkType STRING 500 N Type of link, e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Official site
URL STRING 2000 N Internet address (URL) to a web site
Title STRING 500 N Full text title
Description STRING MAX* Y Text description of the entity link


Media links (e.g. images, video)

Field Name Format Length Optional Description
EntityType STRING 50 N RecArea, Facility, Tour, Entrance, or Site
EntityID INT N Foreign Key: (RecArea RecAreaID) OR (Facility FacilityID) OR (Tour TourID) OR (PermitEntrance PermitEntranceID) OR (Campsite CampsiteID)
MediaType STRING 500 N Type of Media, e.g. Image, Video, etc.
URL STRING 2000 N Internet address (URL) to the entity media
Title STRING 500 N Full title of the entity media
Subtitle STRING 1000 Y Optional subtitle of the entity media
Description STRING MAX* Y Optional description of the entity media
Credits STRING 1000 Y Optional credit for entity media
Height INT N Height in pixels for media image
Width INT N Width in pixels for the media image
EmbedCode STRING MAX* Y Optional embedded code for media entity


Campsite records

Field Name Format Length Optional Description
CampsiteID INT N Campsite ID
FacilityID INT N Facility ID the campsite belongs to
CampsiteName STRING 255 N Campsite Name
CampsiteType STRING 255 Y Campsite Type
Loop STRING 255 Y Name of loop the campsite resides on
Type of Use STRING 255 Y Type of use
CampsiteAccessible STRING 10 Y Is the campsite accessible by vehicle
CreatedDate DATETIME N Record creation date
LastUpdatedDate DATETIME N Record last update date


Permitted Equipment associated to campsites (e.g. tent, trailer)

Field Name Format Length Optional Description
EquipmentName STRING 255 N Equipment Name
MaxLength INT Y Maximum length of equipment


Tour records

Field Name Format Length Optional Description
TourID INT N Tour ID
FacilityID INT N Facility ID the tour belongs to
TourName STRING 255 N Tour name
TourType STRING 255 Y Tour Type
TourDescription STRING 255 Y Tour description
TourDuration INT Y Tour duration
TourAccessible STRING 10 Y Is the tour accessible by vehicle
CreatedDate DATETIME N Record creation date
LastUpdatedDate DATETIME N Record last update date


Permit entrance records

Field Name Format Length Optional Description
PermitEntranceID INT N Permit Entrance ID
FacilityID INT N Facility ID the Permit belongs to
PermitEntranceName STRING 512 N Permit Entrance Name
PermitEntranceType STRING 255 Y Permit Entrance Type
PermitEntranceDescription STRING 255 Y Permit Entrance Description
PermitEntranceAccessible STRING 10 Y Is the permit accessible by vehicle
Latitude DECIMAL Latitude of the permit location
Longitude DECIMAL Longitude of the permit location
District STRING 60 Y District the permit resides in
Town STRING 60 Y Town the permit resides in
Zone STRING 255 Y Zone the permit resides in
CreatedDate DATETIME N Record creation date
LastUpdatedDate DATETIME N Record last update date


Attributes associated to campsites, tours, and permit entrances (e.g. checkout time, shade, water hookup)

Field Name Format Length Optional Description
AttributeName STRING 60 Y Attribute name
AttributeValue STRING 255 Y Attribute value

Historical Reservation

Historical Reservation data

Field Name Format Length Optional Description
HistoricalReservationID INT N The Historical Reservation ID
OrgID INT Y Organization ID
EntityID INT Y The ID of the facility, campsite, tour, or permit entrance
EntityType VARCHAR 50 Y Campsite, Tour, or Permit Entrance
FacilityID INT Y The Facility ID
FacilityLatitude DECIMAL Y The Facility Latitude
FacilityLongitude DECIMAL Y The Facility Longitude
FacilityZIP VARCHAR 50 Y The Facility ZIP code
FacilityState VARCHAR 50 Y The Facility State
LegacyFacilityID INT Y The Legacy Facility ID
ProductID INT Y The product ID
StartDate DATE N Order Start Date
EndDate DATE N Order End Date
Park VARCHAR 255 Y Park Name
Agency VARCHAR 255 Y Agency Name
OrderDate DATE N Reservation order date
OrderNumber VARCHAR 255 Y Reservation number
TotalBeforeTax FLOAT Y Total before tax
TotalPaid FLOAT Y Total paid
UseFee FLOAT Y Use fee
AttrFee FLOAT Y Attribute fee
TranFee FLOAT Y Transaction fee
SiteType VARCHAR 255 Y Site type
NumberOfPeople INT Y Number of people
CustomerZIP VARCHAR 50 Y Customer Zip
CustomerCountry VARCHAR 50 Y Customer country
CustomerState VARCHAR 50 Y Customer state
RegionDescription VARCHAR 255 Y Region description
UseType VARCHAR 50 Y Use type
ParentLocationID INT Y Parent location ID
ParentLocation VARCHAR 255 Y Parent location
RegionCode VARCHAR 50 Y Region code
CodeHierarchy VARCHAR 255 Y Code hierarcy
Various Attributes INT Y Possible values: HorseTrailer, CanoeKayak, Bicycle, Truck, PowerBoat, RVMotorhome, Car, PickupCamper, SmallTent, Van, BoatTrailer, Trailer, Bus, Boat, FifthWheel, LargeTentOver9x12, Popup, Snowmobile, Tent, Marinaboat, Motorcycle, OffRoadlAllTerrainVehicle

US Forest Service Trail

US Forest Service trail data

Field Name Format Length Optional Description
TrailUSFSIDINT(4)NThe RIDB generated US Forest Service Trail ID
TrailNoVARCHAR(30)YThe official numeric or alphanumeric identifier for the trail
TrailNameVARCHAR(30)YThe name that the trail or trail segment is officially or legally known by
TrailTypeVARCHAR(5)NA (required) category that reflects the predominant trail surface and general mode of travel accommodated by a trail (Standard/Terra, Snow, Water)
TrailCnVARCHAR(34)YThe trail common name
BMPFLOAT(8)YBeginning measure point
EMPFLOAT(8)YEnd measure point
SegmentLengthFLOAT(8)YAuto-calculated from EMP - BMP
AdminOrgVARCHAR(10)YThe administrative unit within an agency where the trail or trail segment physically resides
ManagingOrgVARCHAR(10)YThe unit that has the long-term responsibility for the management of the trail or trail segment.
SecurityIdVARCHAR(4)YSecurity ID is automatically populated with the Managing Organization the trail belongs to, as recorded in Infra, and can be used to filter which trail records a user has access to edit
AttributesubsetVARCHAR(50)YPossible values:
* TrailNFS_Basic
* TrailNFS_Centerline
NationalTrailDesignationINT(4)YThe national designation assigned to the trail or trail segment (NHT - National Historic Trail, NST - National Scenic Trail, NRT - National Recreation Trail)
TrailClassVARCHAR(1)YThe prescribed scale of development for a trail, representing its intended design and management standards (TC 1 – 5)
AccessibilityStatusVARCHAR(40)YAccessibility guideline compliance status for trail segments that are designed for hiker/pedestrian use.
TrailSurfaceVARCHAR(40)YThe predominant surface type the user would expect to encounter on the trail or trail segment.
SurfaceFirmnessVARCHAR(20)YThe firmness characteristics of the surface that the user would generally expect to encounter on the trail or trail segment.
TypicalTrailGradeVARCHAR(20)YThe predominant surface type the user would expect to encounter on the trail or trail segment. The grade that the user would generally expect to encounter along the trail segment.
TypicalTreadWidthVARCHAR(30)YThe average tread width the user can generally expect on the section of trail.
MinimumTrailWidthVARCHAR(15)YThe minimum trail width on the trail segment where passage may be physically restricted and no alternative route is readily available.
TypicalTreadCrossSlopeVARCHAR(10)YThe tread cross slope that the user would generally expect to encounter on the section of trail. Entered in percent.
SpecialMgmtAreaVARCHAR(50)YLand area, that may be of special management concern or interest, through which the trail or trail segment crosses.
TerraBaseSymbologyVARCHAR(5)YThis field indicates the Trail Class, or development scale, of the TERRA trail or trail segment
MVUMSymbolINT(4)YThe vehicle class or combination of vehicle classes the trail is open to as depicted on the Motor Vehicle Use Map.
TerraMotorizedVARCHAR(3)YOn Standard/Terra Trails, Snow Trails, or Water Trails:
Y = Designated as open to one or more motorized uses, year-round or seasonally
N = Motorized use is prohibited year-round
AllowedTerraUseVARCHAR(6)YOn Standard/Terra Trails, indicates uses that are legally allowed on the trail (e.g. "Where can I take my…?):
6 = 4WD>50 inches
5 = ATV
4 = Motorcycle
3 = Bicycle
2 = Pack & saddle
1 = Hiker
For example:
321 = Bicycle, Pack & Saddle, and Hiker use are legally allowed
AllowedSnowUseVARCHAR(3)YOn Snow Trails, indicates uses that are legally allowed on the trail (e.g. "Where can I take my…?):
3 = Snowmobile
2 = Cross-Country Ski
1 = Snowshoe
For example:
21 = Cross-Country Ski and Snowshoe use are legally allowed.
HikerPedestrianManagedVARCHAR(100)YIndicates the dates where these trail uses are managed, allowed, or restricted:

Standard/Terra Trails:
Pack & Saddle

Snow Trails:
Cross-Country Ski

Water Trails:
Motor Watercraft
Non-motor Watercraft
GISMilesFLOAT(8)YLength of the trail segment, as calculated from the GIS, in miles. This can be different than the segment length which can be measured in a variety of ways.
ShapeLengthFLOAT(8)YInvalid and blank for SDO Geometry features.
GEOMGEOGRAPHY(-1)YTrail geography data
LastUpdatedDateDATE(3)YLast updated RIDB date

FWS Trail

FWS trail data

Field Name Format Length Optional Description
TrailFWSIDINT(4)YThe RIDB generated US FWS Trail ID
OrgCodeVARCHAR(8)YU.S. Fish and Wildlife Service five (5) character numeric organizational code.
TrailNoVARCHAR(8)YThe alpha numeric identifier for trail based on trail classification incremented for each trail of the same class. Classifications are T100 series for Class I trails defined as minimal/undeveloped, T200 series for Class II trails defined as simple/minor developed, T300 series for Class III trails defined as developed/improved trail, T400 series for Class IV trails defined as highly developed, T500 series for Class V trails defined as fully developed.
NameVARCHAR(80)YThe name that the trail or trail segment is officially or legally known by.
SecNoVARCHAR(10)YTrail section number. New section numbers are assigned incrementally when the following occur: surface type change; significant average width change; trail class change; marked political boundary; or section length is longer than 5 miles.
SAMMSNoVARCHAR(8)YU.S. Fish and Wildlife asset identification number.
TrailClassVARCHAR(3)YThe prescribed scale of trail development. Represents the intended design and management standards of the trail. Refer to the National Trail Management Class Matrix.
SurfaceVARCHAR(11)YThe predominant surface type the user would expect to encounter on the trail segment. The surface types include Admin Road, Asphalt, Boardwalk, Concrete, Gravel, Mowed, Native, Other, Paver Block, Puncheon, Turnpike, Wood Chip.
SurfaceFirmVARCHAR(9)YThe predominant trail surface These include Firm, Hard, N/A, Paved Soft or Very Soft.
WidthSMALLINT(2)YAverage grade based on 5 elevation measurements for trails 1 mile or less and 10 elevation measurements for trails greater than 1 mile.
AvgGradeREAL(4)YAverage grade based on 5 elevation measurements for trails 1 mile or less and 10 elevation measurements for trails greater than 1 mile.
AvgSlopeREAL(4)YAverage slope based on 5 elevation measurements for trails 1 mile or less and 10 elevation measurements for trails greater than 1 mile.
AccInfoVARCHAR(3)YAccess information as yes or no. Where yes, InfoType field provides the source type for available access information.
InfoTypeVARCHAR(8)YRelated to Acc_Info where "yes", InfoType provides the source type for available access information. Sources include Brochure, Signage, Website, Other.
TrailFromVARCHAR(50)YTrail section starting location description.
TrailToVARCHAR(50)YTrail section ending location description.
GPSDateDATETIME2(8)YDate the trail was surveyed.
DatafileVARCHAR(20)YGPS data file on record.
ElemIDVARCHAR(15)YUnique identification number for trail section made up of the ORG CODE, Trail Number and Section Number.
TrailDesignationVARCHAR(25)YThe national designation assigned to the trail or trail segment. This includes designations for National Historic (NHT), Scenic (NST), and Recreation Trails (NRT); Side or Connecting Trails (STD) Trails.
ManageUseVARCHAR(19)YThe intended use that controls the desired geometric design, and determines the subsequent maintenance parameters for the trail. This included Administrative Road (ADMIN RD), Bicycle (BIKE), Hiker/Pedestrian (HIKE), Pack and Saddle (PACK), Cross Country Ski (XSKI) or Other where the use is unknown.
AltTypeVARCHAR(12)YAlternative trail use description.
AltSAMMSVARCHAR(20)YAlternative Service Asset Maintenance Management System number.
StationVARCHAR(100)YName of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service station.
AddressVARCHAR(150)YAddress of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service station.
PhoneVARCHAR(20)YTelephone number of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service station.
RegionVARCHAR(2)YU.S. Fish and Wildlife Service region.
StateVARCHAR(2)YU.S. State.
DistrictVARCHAR(2)YU.S. Fish and Wildlife Service district.
CountyVARCHAR(50)YU.S. County.
SecLengthFLOAT(8)YTrail section length in miles.
TrailLengthFLOAT(8)YTrail length in miles.
AreaFLOAT(8)YTrail surface area in square feet.
CRVTrailFLOAT(8)YTrail Current Replacement Value in U.S. Dollars.
DMTrailFLOAT(8)YTrail deferred maintenance.
FCITrailFLOAT(8)YTrail Facility Condition Index (0-.01 = excellent, 0.11 - 0.05 = good, 0.051 - 0.10 = fair, 0.11 - 0.20 = poor, >.20 = very poor.
TrailConditionVARCHAR(9)YAverage trail condition rated as Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor or Very Poor.
TrailDescriptionVARCHAR(104)YNarrative description of trail.
CycleIDSMALLINT(2)YCycle ID Number
BeginMPREAL(4)YBegin Mile Post
EndMPREAL(4)YEnd Mile Post
ShapeLengthFLOAT(8)YLength of feature in internal units.
GEOMGEOGRAPHY(-1)YTrail geography data
LastUpdatedDateDATE(3)YLast updated RIDB date

Federal Data Quality Information

In compliance with Public Law 106-554 regarding federal data quality, the following information is provided in relation to information obtained from this site (

Users of this federally provided data understand and accept the following:

  1. This information is provided as “general reference” information.
  2. Information is provided for the sole purpose of describing outdoor recreation-related opportunities on federally managed lands and may not be inclusive of all federal opportunities.
  3. This information is provided by, and periodically updated by, participating federal agencies and it is the user’s responsibility to check for and obtain revised information.
  4. This site does not control nor guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness or completeness of information contained on a website URL provided in the dataset downloaded.
  5. This site does not endorse the organizations sponsoring linked websites, and we do not endorse the views they express or the products/services they offer.
  6. Information provided in the XML datasets is public domain and may be reused for the intended purpose.
  7. This site does not authorize the use of copyrighted materials contained in linked websites. Users must request such authorization from the sponsor of the linked website.
  8. This site is not responsible for transmissions that users receive from linked websites provided within the datasets downloaded.
  9. This site does not guarantee that outside websites comply with Section 508 (Accessibility Requirements) of the Rehabilitation Act.