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Family Tree & Genealogy Tools for Nevada Alexander Musk

Privacy Level: Open (White)
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This is Nevada's basic pedigree chart. There are many additional tools for Nevada's genealogy below.

Nevada Alexander Musk
about 2002 - about 2002

Brother of [private brother (2000s - unknown)], [private brother (2000s - unknown)], [private brother (2000s - unknown)], [private brother (2000s - unknown)] and [private brother (2000s - unknown)]

Elon Musk ancestors
1970s - unknown
Errol Musk ancestors
unknown - unknown
* [Musk great-grandfather?] *
* [Musk great-grandmother?] *
Maye Haldeman ancestors
1940s - unknown
* Joshua Norman Haldeman D.C. ancestors
25 Nov 1902 - 1974
Pequot Lakes, Crow Wing County, Minnesota
* John Elon Haldeman ancestors
09 Jul 1871 - 09 Aug 1909
* Almeda Jane Norman more treemore tree ancestors
19 Mar 1877 -
* [Haldeman great-grandmother?] *
Justine Wilson ancestors
1970s - unknown
* [Wilson grandfather? please help] * *
* *
* [Wilson grandmother? please help] * *
* *
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Here is a collection of tools for genealogists with an interest in Nevada's family history.


Genealogy Research

Ancestor List for Nevada Musk ahnenlist
The ancestor list uses the "ahnen" numbering system and presents seven generations in plain text. There are no images or colors. This makes it well-suited for printing when you're doing offline research.

Compact Family Tree
This alternative tree view is packed with eight generations — up to 254 ancestors — along with birth and death dates and locations. The downside is that it's not a conventional tree format; it may take a couple minutes to orient yourself.

Descendants descendants
Since Nevada has no children the descendants page isn't available. Do you know of children? Please let the profile managers know.

DNA Ancestors and DNA Descendants DNA view
Genetic genealogy is the new frontier. Our two DNA views are designed to help you use genetic testing to confirm and expand Nevada's genealogy. The DNA Ancestors page shows the specific ancestors from whom Nevada gets his Y chromosome and mitochondrial DNA. Especially helpful for some serious genetic genealogists is the inheritance pattern for Nevada's X chromosome, also shown here. The DNA Descendants link isn't active because Nevada has no children. It may still be possible to test connections to Nevada by testing other descendants of his ancestors who inherited the same Y chromosome, X chromosome or mitochondrial DNA.

DNA Ancestor Confirmation Aid check mark
This tool helps you take things a step beyond the DNA Ancestors and DNA Descendants views. The ambitious goal: scientific confirmation of each parent-child relationship in Nevada's tree. This is still fairly complex but it's getting simpler every day.

Dynamic Tree
The dynamic tree expands to include an unlimited number of generations of parents and children. You can zoom in or out and pan around for the perfect view as you browse.

Family Group Sheet family group sheet
This simple page illustrates nuclear families based on marriages. It's handy when someone had children from more than one marriage. It may not be useful here unless you add a spouse.

Family List
This flexible tool enables you to see more ancestors and/or descendants on one page than anywhere else on WikiTree.

Global Family Tree Connection
How many degrees of separation are between Nevada and Kevin Bacon? This Connection Finder includes relationships through marriage, so it is not a genealogical cousin calculator like our Relationship Finder, but it's a fun way to illustrate how closely we're all connected.

Images of Nevada photos
There aren't any photographs or source images for Nevada yet. Login to upload one.

Index of Musks
This page shows all the Musks on WikiTree. It's useful for genealogists with an interest in the surname that goes beyond Nevada. There are a variety of connected tools, such as Musk DNA Connections and MUSK G2G.

Location Maps map pin
Here are quick links to mapping websites:
      Birth: Unknown.
      Death: Orange County, CA on Google Maps | Open Street Map.

Printer-Friendly Tree printable tree
This view parallels the pedigree chart above but it is optimized for printing. It can be used as a fill-in-the-blanks form at a family gathering.

Profile of Nevada
The profile page is the central place for organizing and viewing information and sources on an individual. This tree & tools page is a supplement to it. Whenever you see Nevada's name on WikiTree (and ideally, elsewhere on the Internet!) it will be linked to the profile at where Musk-19 is Nevada's unique WikiTree ID.

Relationship Finder Find Relationship
Enter Musk-19 and any other WikiTree ID to find the genealogical relationship between Nevada and the other person. It will name the relationship, e.g. "third cousin twice removed," and show the trail of connections to a common ancestor. Although not everyone on WikiTree shares common ancestors, finding and connecting them is our ultimate goal.

Research with RootsSearch
Automatically search for Nevada on more than 20 different genealogy websites with the RootsSearch app.

Share Tree on Facebook shareable tree
Download and share an attractive family tree image. This is a great way to elicit information and photo sharing from family and old friends. You might be surprised at who replies. The "Wikid Shareable Tree" is another option. You can just copy and paste the URL into your favorite social network.

Surnames surnames
The surnames page is a quick reference sheet that displays seven generations of Nevada's family names. Many members share its URL via e-mail, e.g. with a DNA match to ask if the other person recognizes a surname.

WikiTree Tools

Here are additional tools to help genealogists collaborate on WikiTree to grow Nevada's family history.

Activity Feed
Here you can view the additions and changes that WikiTree members have made to Nevada's profile so far.

Edit Profile and Relationships edit
Nevada's edit page is the central location for adding information and correcting mistakes. Is there anything you can add or improve upon? Since you're not logged-in yet you can't make changes directly. Contact the profile managers. Please don't go away without giving us your information and sources. Thank you!

Family Tree Widgets family tree widgets
If you're a blogger who's writing a post about Nevada or have a Musk family website or surname website you can include one of these widgets to illustrate his tree.

Privacy Setting privacy
You'll notice colored privacy icons in search results, the Musk surname index, etc. The white dot for Nevada indicates that his profile is Open. Only the profile manager can edit this setting.

Tests of Nevada's DNA
If Nevada's DNA (not a family member's or descendant's DNA) has been tested for genealogical purposes the test or tests should be selected here. This will automatically create connections on the profiles of Nevada's relatives where the test may be useful for confirming relationships. It's very valuable for advanced genealogy. To add tests you need to be on Nevada's Trusted List.

Trusted List
This shows you the WikiTree members who have full power to access and edit Nevada's information. Use it to see who else shares your interest in Nevada and receives updates about changes to the profile. The Relationship Finder icon links Find Relationship next their names will show you their relationship to Nevada.


Here are ways to connect and communicate with genealogists regarding Nevada's profile, especially if you're unable to collaborate directly using the WikiTree Tools above.

Ask a Question about Nevada
WikiTree's Genealogist-to-Genealogist (G2G) Forum is where genealogists help each other. If you have a question about Nevada and would like to seek help from the wider community — not just Nevada's friends and family — post it here.  

Comment on Profile Message Board
Nevada's profile, like all WikiTree profiles, has a section for public comments. This is the best place to put anything you'd like seen by all genealogists who are interested in Nevada. Profile managers are alerted to new comments via e-mail, everyone on the Trusted List will see a notice about it in their activity feeds, and people who visit Nevada's profile in the future will see your comment. You will need to login to post.

Any image uploaded to WikiTree can be sent as a free e-card, including photos of Nevada or scans of vintage postcards. An e-card can be a great way to tell a genealogist or family member about what's here.

Privacy Take-Down Request Form
If you are Nevada or officially represent him and the profile manager refuses to remove personal information use this form.

Private Message — Directly Contact Profile Manager private message
Here you can send a private message to a Wiki Genealogist managing Nevada's profile. If there are multiple managers or genealogists involved, you will need to send separate messages. Unless your information is sensitive it's better to post a public comment. Login to post.

Trusted List Request Form
If you're a genealogist with a special interest in collaborating on Nevada's profile, join the Trusted List. The profile is Open so you don't need to be on the Trusted List to edit or improve upon it. You only need to join if you want to receive updates about him in your activity feeds or complete merges. You will need to login first.

If you have sourced information about Nevada, the WikiTree community thanks you in advance for not leaving here without sharing it. :-) We are on a mission to connect the human family on one free yet reliable and privacy-controlled tree. Although we will never be finished, we make amazing progress every day because tens of thousands of good genealogists are willing to help.