For help finding housing or other support services in your area, please contact your local United Way or local Salvation Army.

Nevada: Consolidated State Performance Report

Part 1, Section 1.9: Education of Homeless Children and Youth

Homeless Children and Youth Enrolled

Total homeless children and youth enrolled in LEAs with and without McKinney-Vento subgrants
Homeless children and youth are defined as enrolled if they are attending classes and participating fully in school activities.

Primary Nighttime Residence

Primary nighttime residence when student was identified as homeless.

Shelters are defined as supervised publicly or privately operated facilities designed to provide temporary living accommodations. Included in the sheltered definition are the following: i. Transitional Housing is temporary accommodation for homeless individuals and families, as a step to permanent housing. Residents of transitional housing continue to be considered homeless until they move into permanent housing. ii. Awaiting Foster Care: children who are awaiting foster care placement are considered homeless and eligible for McKinney-Vento services. (See Section 725(2)(B)(i) of the McKinney-Vento Act.) Children who are already in foster care, on the other hand, are not considered homeless. LEA liaisons should confer and coordinate with local child welfare providers to determine what “awaiting foster care placement” means in the context of their State and local policies.

Unsheltered includes cars, parks, campgrounds, temporary trailers, abandoned buildings and substandard housing. Substandard housing may be determined by local building codes, community norms, and/or a case-by-case determination as to whether the accommodation is a “fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.”

Doubled-Up The McKinney-Vento Act defines this term as “sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason” [725(2)(B). This classification particularly requires a case-by-case determination, keeping in mind the determining factor is whether the accommodation is a “fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.”

Reading Assessment

Homeless students served by McKinney-Vento subgrants in grades 3-8 scoring proficient or above on state reading assessment.
Percentages include all students in grades 3-8 who were served in LEAs with McKinney-Vento subgrants that were tested on the state reading/language arts assessments who received a valid score and were assigned a proficiency level. This includes students who participated in regular assessments with or without accommodations or alternate assessments including those based on grade level, modified, and alternate academic standards. Both students who were there for a full academic year (FAY) and those not there for full academic year (non-FAY) are also included.

Math Assessment

Homeless students served by McKinney-Vento subgrants in grades 3-8 scoring proficient or above on state mathematics assessment.
Percentages include all students in grades 3-8 who were served in LEAs with McKinney-Vento subgrants that were tested on the state mathematics assessments who received a valid score and were assigned a proficiency level. This includes students who participated in regular assessments with or without accommodations or alternate assessments including those based on grade level, modified, and alternate academic standards. Both students who were there for a full academic year (FAY) and those not there for full academic year (non-FAY) are also included.

Please note: 

Data reflected in these charts are drawn from the Part 1 Consolidated State Performance Reports (CSPR) which may be found on the US Department of Education website at this address:


The Education for Homeless Children and Youth Section 1.9 of the CSPR has been excerpted into pdf files by individual state by year and can be downloaded from the menu at the left.  A three-year data summary featuring all updated data may also be downloaded.

Before SY2010-11, reading and mathematics assessment data was only collected for students served in LEAs with McKinney-Vento subgrants.  As of SY2010-11, these data are now collected for all students enrolled in all LEAs.  The three-year comparison data for students served in LEAs with subgrants will continue to be displayed on the national and state data pages until the final certification of the SY2011-12 CSPR.  At that time, these pages will reflect the comparison data for all students enrolled.

McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Children and Youth Actual State Funding Allocations

Funds included in the State tables are for programs that allocate funds to States using statutory formulas.