Protect Missouri Fishing

In This Section

Zebra Mussels

Zebra mussels are highly invasive mollusks native to the Caspian Sea region of Europe and Asia that are plaguing parts of Missouri. Learn what you can do to help prevent the spread of zebra mussels.

Don't Spread Didymo

Rock snot. Sounds a lot worse than “Didymosphenia geminate,” doesn’t it? This invasive alga is also commonly known as “didymo,” but no matter what you call it, it's gaining footholds in streams worldwide, including some of the most revered trout waters on Earth. Continue reading for more information.

Fish Management Plans

Management plans help keep Missouri's fishing strong while protecting the state's waters from invasive species and other threats.

Wader-Washing Locations

Protect Missouri’s trout fishing—wash your waders! Use our location maps to find wader-washing stations and prevent the spread of didymo—a slimy, invasive alga—at your favorite trout park.

Don't Spread Crayfish

Invasive crayfish (also called crawdads) displace crayfish species naturally found in bodies of water (“native” species), introduce disease, hurt fishing and harm aquatic ecosystems. Preventing introductions of invasive species to new locations is our best hope of controlling them.

Help Improve Paddlefishing

Beginning in 2012, MDC is conducting a long-term project to get more information on both paddlefish sport fishing statewide and commercial harvest from the Mississippi River. Please share your opinions.

Blue Catfish Management on Truman Reservoir and Lake of the Ozarks

MDC aims to improve blue catfish populations with new length limits on Truman Reservoir and Lake of the Ozarks.