Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Weekend Visitation

Each year, students make arrangements to visit another student’s home for the weekend. Parents/legal guardians must adhere to the following guidelines regarding weekend visitations:
  • Parents are responsible to make sure that the home their child is visiting is safe.
  • Parents of both students must submit a written and signed note indicating their permission in allowing their child to have weekend visitation at anohter student's home.
  • Parents are responsible for securing transportation means and contacting the county transportation and obtaining permissoin for an additional student to ride the van or bus (not all transportation companies permit guests - please check with your child's county transportation policy on guests riding their bus/van).
  • The permission note must include the following information:
    • the date and time
    • whose home the student will be visiting
    • the means of transportation from and to school
  • Parents are responible to contact the Student Health Services (SHS) to arrange medication for the weekend.
  • Student Life Administrative Assistant must receive notes no later than 9:00 PM on Wednesdays.
  • FAXED permission notes are acceptable (614-995-0047).
  • No Verbal consents over the phone or email will be accepted.
  • Students 18 years or age, unless their parents have legal guardianship, are required to submit their own notes to the Student Life Administrative Assistant.
  • Fraudulent permission notes may result in suspension from school and/or weekend visitations.
  • Students who visit friends for the weekend are expected to return to school on Sunday/Holiday Monday prior to curfew or in the morning of the first school day. Upon arrival to campus on Sunday/Holiday Monday, students must remain in the dormitories.
NOTE: All weekend visitations plans are FINAL. Last minutes changes will not be accepted, as it would create unnecessary hardship on both parties and the students themselves.

ADDITIONAL NOTE: The Ohio School for the Deaf accepts NO responsibility or liability for any actions, consequences of, or situations related to student visitation that is not related to an authorized and approved school activity. This included students visiting another student over the weekend. Parents/guardians are advised that OSD will not be responsible for or involved in coordination of weekend visits.

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