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Grantee Information

Submission of Prior Approval Requests

Submission Types

  • Carryover Requests: for grantees that do not have automatic carryover authority to request the use of unobligated prior year grant funds in a current budget period.
  • Appeal Letters: for specific concerns about the review of a competing application as detailed in a summary statement.
  • Change of Principal Investigator Requests: to request a change in the principal investigator assignment on an active NCATS grant.
  • Other Prior Approval Requests: for other actions requiring NCATS’ prior approval, such as a change in scope and plans for future pilot and K-scholar projects.

NCATS recommends that grantees follow NIH guidance for the electronic submission of requests for administrative supplements and change of grantee organization:

How to Submit

Submit your prior approval request directly to your assigned grants management specialist and copy the program officer and grants management officer listed on the Notice of Award.