
Displaying 1 - 10 of 816

Frank Knight and the Austrians

Austrian Economics OverviewEntrepreneurship


Despite many differences, there are many similarities between Knightian and Austrian economics: entrepreneurship, uncertainty, and theory of the firm.

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The App Store Renders Government Irrelevant

Big GovernmentLegal SystemEntrepreneurship

In the wake of government's do-nothing stance on preventing phone scams, there's a new private app for blocking abusive phone calls.

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Privatize: Governments Have Failed to Preserve Endangered Species

The EnvironmentEntrepreneurshipPolitical Theory


Government attempts to end poaching of endangered species often create black markets and increase poaching, while doing little to preserve the species.

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Leave The Street Food Alone!

The EntrepreneurEntrepreneurshipPolitical Theory


In Brazil, street food is an important source of income for poor households. So why is the government always interfering in the street-food economy?

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How Legal, Branded Heroin Would Make Drugs Safer

The EntrepreneurLegal SystemThe Police StateWorld HistoryEntrepreneurship


If there were Heinz-brand heroin, Philip Seymour Hoffman would still be alive.

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Clinton's Pay-to-Play Is the Natural Consequence of Big Government

The EntrepreneurTaxes and SpendingEntrepreneurshipInterventionism


When donors give big bucks to the Clinton Foundation, they may just be paying the price of doing business in a highly regulated economy.

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Fantasy Football: The Beauty of Capitalism and the Dangers of Government

Free MarketsEntrepreneurshipInterventionism


The success of fantasy sports is an illustration of how capitalism unleashes innovation, and how government can manage to ruin anything it touches.

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What the Olympics Teach Us about International Trade

Free MarketsEntrepreneurshipInterventionism

Government schemes are powerless in gauging where comparative advantage lies, whether we are talking about trade or sports.

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Free-Market Medicine: The Role of the Large Medical Firm

The EntrepreneurHealthEntrepreneurship


In a free-market healthcare system, doctors would join together to form large firms to offer the benefits of specialization and economies of scale.

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Has Innovation Reached Its Breaking Point?


Writing for Entrepreneur, Per Bylund offers three arguments for why innovation skeptics are wrong.

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