Calendar audit log

This feature is not available in the legacy free edition of Google Apps. This feature is also not available in the government edition of Google Apps.

The Calendar audit log lets you track changes to calendars, events, and subscriptions for users in your domain, and troubleshoot when users in your domain notice discrepancies and unexpected changes to their calendars (or shared calendars) and to specific events on their calendars. Entries usually appear within half an hour of the user action.

To access the Calendar audit log, sign in to your Admin console, click Reports > Audit > Calendar. The page displays the following information:

Activity Name The action that was logged, such as adding or deleting calendars, events, guests, or subscriptions to event reminders and notifications.
  • Calendar access level(s) changed
A log entry for each time a calendar access level changes.
  • Calendar country changed
A log entry for each time a calendar country changes.
  • Calendar created
A log entry for each time a calendar is created.
  • Calendar deleted
A log entry for each time a calendar is deleted.
  • Calendar description changed
A log entry for each time a calendar description is changed.
  • Calendar location changed
A log entry for each time a calendar location is changed.
  • Calendar timezone changed
A log entry for each time a calendar timezone is changed.
  • Calendar title changed
A log entry for each time a calendar title is changed.
  • Event created
A log entry for each time an event is created.
  • Event deleted
A log entry for each time an event is deleted.
  • Event guest added
A log entry for each time a guest is added to an event.
  • Event guest removed
A log entry for each time a guest is removed from an event.
  • Event guest response changed
A log entry for each time a guest response changes for an event.
  • Event modified
A log entry for each time an event is modified. This generic entry is only shown when no more specific action log entries are available.
  • Event removed from trash
A log entry for each time an event is removed from calendar trash
  • Event restored
A log entry for each time an event is restored from calendar trash
  • Event title modified
A log entry for each time an event title is modified.
  • Subscription created
A log entry for each time a subscription is created.
  • Subscription deleted
A log entry for each time a subscription is deleted.
Activity description The details of the event described in the Activity name field.
User name The email address of the user who triggered the event.
Calendar id The name of the calendar in which the event resides.
Event title The title of the calendar event.
Event id The id number of the calendar event.
API Kind The API through which the change was made. Choose between Unknown, API V3 (usually Android), Web, GData (usually older Android devices), iCal (event invitations from other calendaring systems), or CalDAV (usually Apple devices).
IP Address The internet protocol (IP) address used by the administrator to sign in to the Admin console. This might reflect the administrator's physical location, but not necessarily. For example, it could instead be a proxy server or a virtual private network (VPN) address.
Date and time range The date and time the event occurred (displayed in your browser's default timezone).

Use the Filters section at the side to configure the page to only display data that meets certain criteria. For example, the page can show events of a particular type, or events that occurred during a specific date range. Once you've entered your criteria, click Search to filter. To clear your filters, click Reset.

You can also use the Filters section to create and configure a custom alert. Custom alerts do not use the Date Range. Choose an event name from the drop-down list and your other filters, then click the SET ALERT button. In the Set alert: window you can add a custom alert name, check the Super Administrator(s) box, or add additional recipient user emails. After you configure your custom alert click the SAVE button. To edit your custom alerts, refer to Account activity alerts.

  • If you don't see the Filters section, click filter.
  • To change the columns the log displays, click Select columns. The page remembers the columns you choose and shows the same ones the next time you sign in. The columns are:
    • User
    • Calendar ID
    • Event Title
    • Event ID
    • API Kind
    • Date
    • IP Address
  • The log shows near real-time data (as recent as the last few minutes) and keeps data from up to six months ago.

The Admin console reports show historical data generated for the last seven days, the last month, the last three months, or the last six months. The date in the upper right indicates the most recent day for which report data is available. The pulldown arrow next to the date opens a calendar page you can use to select another day to use. The latest date for which all data points are present has a green background. You can select another date beyond the full data date but any later date you choose may have partial data and may only show a subset of the expected reports.

Data retention times

You're able to access saved Admin console audit logs and reports data this far back:

Name of Log or Report

Retention Time

Admin audit log 6 months
Calendar audit log 6 months
OAuth Token audit log 6 months
Mobile audit log (Google Apps Unlimited) 6 months
Drive audit log (Google Apps Unlimited) 6 months
Email log search 30 days
Account activity reports 6 months
Security reports 6 months
Groups audit log 6 months
Audit data retrieved using the API 6 months
Reporting data retrieved using the API 15 months

For other audit logs and reports not mentioned above the retention time should be 6 months.


Keep in mind reports do not reflect real-time data, and some reports may take longer to display updated information.

Lag times

The lag times in this table reflect how long it takes before collected data tied to specific Admin console reports and audit logs is available to view.

Item Name Report Name Lag Time
Gmail Gmail report 1 day to 3 days
Drive Drive report 2 days to 6 days
Hangouts Hangouts report 1 day to 3 days
G+ G+ report 1 day to 3 days
Calendar Calendar report 1 day to 3 days
Document Link Shared Status Drive report 2 days to 6 days
External Link Shared Files Drive report 2 days to 6 days
External Link Shared Files Security report 1 day to 3 days
2-step verification enrollment 2SV report 1 day to 3 days
Aggregate Reports    
Accounts Accounts report 1 day to 3 days
Gmail Gmail report 1 day to 3 days
Drive Drive report 2 days to 6 days
G+ G+ report 1 day to 3 days
Mobile Mobile report 1 day to 3 days
Apps Usage Activity    
Files Owned Drive report 2 days to 6 days
Total Emails Gmail report 1 day to 3 days
Total Storage Used Quota report 1 day to 3 days
Admin Admin audit near real time (couple of minutes)
Login Login audit tens of minutes (can also go up to a couple of hours)
Drive Drive audit near real time (couple of minutes)
Calendar Calendar audit tens of minutes (can also go up to a couple of hours)
Mobile devices Mobile audit near real time (couple of minutes), up to 4 hours, if updated at next sync.
Token Token audit tens of minutes (can also go up to a couple of hours)
Groups Groups audit tens of minutes (can also go up to a couple of hours)
Email log search Email audit near real time (couple of minutes)


Retrieving report or audit log data for very old dates or large time ranges may take so much time that once results are available the most recent log entry may no longer be fresh. For applications that require real-time log monitoring use a small time range.

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