Overworked Units

Also known as "Overloading", an Overworked unit is either a single Pawn or Piece that has been given TWO or MORE defensive assignments, at any one time.

The trouble with Overworking your troops comes when that overloaded unit is attacked at the same time as another important Piece or Pawn (by important, we mean it could be in a key position for your plans), as can be seen in Diagram 7, below.
Overworked units, Chess Glossary Article
Black's Overworked Queen.
A decision will have to be made as to which defensive assignment to keep focussed on and which to leave to its own fate (usually, the latter ends up being captured).

Where possible, try to avoid giving any ONE unit MORE than ONE defensive assignment, at any one time ... That'll help avoid the sort of dilemma faced by Black, in the video (above).

Deduct a point for each unit - Pawn or Piece - that's in an overworked capacity.

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