Education and Outreach Information: Homeroom

ARM Climate Research Facility Educational Outreach is involved in climate change educational outreach in the communities and regions hosting ARM's data-gathering field sites. Our goal is to develop basic science awareness and increase critical thinking skills focusing on environmental science and climate change for K-12 students. In addition, ARM educational outreach supports relationship building between teachers, students, scientists, and the community.

Our materials complement ARM's scientific efforts because we use ARM objectives and data to enrich students' science programs. Each site is different. As such, we are committed to incorporating the regional culture into related outreach materials that are developed.

Planned activities for educational outreach include teacher in-service days, community and teacher workshops, Internet projects, educational kiosks, curriculum development, site tours, and support for teacher enrichment activities.

Site-specific educational outreach efforts include the following:

  • Bring awareness of the ARM Climate Research Facility to host communities through public education relevant to the culture of the region
  • Provide opportunities for educators and students close to the ARM sites to understand the goals of the ARM Climate Research Facility and have access and use ARM data for educational programs as technical resources permit
  • Increase the knowledge base for basic science and critical thinking skills using curriculum enrichment activities in climate, climate change, and climate change effects relevant to each region
  • Develop and use tools (curriculum, teacher enrichment, workshops, science fair support, high school research projects, school interactions between the sites) and teacher internships to promote learning and understanding of climate science and environmental effects.