烟熏三文鱼配莳萝 smoked salmon and dill

Ingredients    原料

1/4 cup(60G)sour cream   酸奶

1 teaspoon finely chopped fresh dill    莳萝碎

1 tablespoon finely chopped red onion   红洋葱碎

1 teaspoon finely grated lemon rind       搓柠檬皮的碎

1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper       磨碎的黑椒粒

1 tablespoon drained capers,chopped finely      水瓜榴碎

100g smoked salmon slices,chopped coarsely    烟熏三文鱼切成丁

16 small fresh dill sprigs    新鲜莳萝草,用于装饰

16 pc blini   16个俄式薄煎饼

Method   作法

1,Combine sour cream,dill,onion,rind,pepper and capers in small bowl.


2,Divide sour cream mixture and salmon among 16 blini,top with dill.


3,serve at room temperature.



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