印尼炒面 mee goreng

120G fresh hokkien noodles      福建面



20ml oil          油

20g boiled potato cubes           煮好的土豆粒

20G boiled lamb cubes          煮好的羊肉粒

30G cooked shrimps               煮熟的虾仁

30G cabbage slices              卷心菜(莲白)切片

20G bean sprout          豆芽

1 ripe tomato,diced              煮熟的番茄,切丁

1 tablespoon sambal chilli sauce            桑巴酱

4 tablespoon ketchup                  番茄沙司

3/2 tablespoons dark soy sauce                老抽

2 eggs,one for cooking,one for fried egg           2 个鸡蛋,一个水煮,一个煎荷包蛋

2 cucumbers,slices            黄瓜切片

5G crisp shallots              脆干葱

Directions:                       制作方法:

1,heat the oil in a wok.fried the egg and stir-fry over medium heat until soft,add the noodles,stir-fry over medium heat for 3 min,mixing well.


2,add the sliced cabbage and boiled potato cubes.


3,add the tomato ketchup,sambal chilli,dark sauce.


4,add bean sprout,tomato cubes,lamb cubes,keep frying for 2 mins.


5,served on a plate with an fried egg over the noodles,top with some crispy onion.


6,serve with additional tomato ketchup,cucumber slices,tomato slices,and julienne lettuce,if desired add two fried wings.


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