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Northshore Squadron awarded for excellence

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Herald staff
BOTHELL — The Northshore Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol’s Washington Wing has received a fourth consecutive Aerospace Education Excellence Award.
Aerospace education is one of the Civil Air Patrol’s three missions. The other two are cadet training and emergency services, including search-and-rescue flights. First organized during World War II, the patrol became an auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force after the war.
The Aerospace Education Excellence Award, created in 2009, is given to squadrons that conduct aerospace-themed classes for students and a field education experience, such as touring an airport control tower, said Carl Lindberg, director of aerospace education for the Washington Wing.
He is presenting the award to the squadron in Bothell on Tuesday.
“It is rare for any squadron to have completed more than two (aerospace education) programs within that six year period,” he said.
Only two of Washington’s 27 squadrons have received four such awards — Northshore and Yakima.
Story tags » BothellAerospaceGeneral AviationU.S. Military

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