The Passaic County Historical Society

 The Fall of the Dundee Bridge
Short Sketches on Passaic County History
by Edward M. Graf, 1935

Dundee Canal - Southwest View
Southwest View of Dundee Canal - Masonry Pier - (1985)
Photograph Courtesy of Library of Congress
American Memory

The new bridge over the Dundee Canal of Passaic, which was ordered built by the board of chosen freeholders of 1864, fell down on Friday night May 17, 1867, and was ruined.

The cause of the fall was due to the poor foundation of the abutment on the west bank, which gave way, letting the whole structure down.  The bridge was built of wood, was about fifty feet long with two wagon tracks, and cost about $9,000, all of which was almost a total loss to the county. 

Cornelius R. Jacobus was the superintendent of the foundation and it seems that it was his work that failed.  A. A. Fonda was the engineer and superintendent of the bridge.  The bridge was never used and the wing walls on the east bank which were to be built by the Dundee Company were not constructed.

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