

Oddee features the odd, funny, strange and bizarre things of our world

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  1. prije 17 sati

    Even more surprising given that all the live on is and . It's also worth adding the island is in the middle of the so-called due to all the . For more about amazing islands, visit:

  2. 15. kol

    it's a fish that likes to swim around with her partner literally away on her side. Sadly, this sounds like a lot of I know of. To read more about animals with crazy sex lives, check out this post:

  3. 14. kol

    I really want the book filled with pre-written letters to give to people who pissed you off. 😂

  4. 13. kol

    that's why the is one of the most in the world. Don't mess around with these and for more stories about disturbing animals like this, visit:

  5. 10. kol

    the on the game would probably seem tame by today's standards, but having rise up after hitting "gremlins" with your car made this shocking to the public. Learn more about controversial games at

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    marriage is a challenge for everyone, but at least this couple doesn't much, right? Erika has what's called , meaning she's sexually attracted to objects. You can read about more and at

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    If you ever wanted to buy an electric bike, this guide has everything you need to know about what to look for. 🚲

  8. 6. kol

    that's not a because it's way too ! We love and other ! Like if you feel the same way. And be sure to visit for more weird names for groups of animals:

  9. 2. kol
  10. 2. kol

    What about ? He is the fighter of the . RT : Should Your Superhero Alias Be Spider-Man Or Night Monkey?

  11. 2. kol

    We sure are. Come check us out. RT : Oddee is still going? Jesus.

  12. 31. srp

    that's one way to prove your . And it works, they almost never experience . For more about fascinating villages, visit:

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    I never thought I would hear about a like that! You can learn more about that can walk on water here:

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    some people refuse to for their actions, but this is . For more about and their stupid , visit

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    are always a challenge, but imagine carrying in two different wombs! Check out for more stories of people with weird sex organs.

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    Camping is a cherished summer tradition, but these 10 gadgets can make your next camping trip truly unforgettable. 🏕️😁

  17. 22. srp

    that's a crazy transition - from to , but it's certainly an amazing destination. Learn more incredible about strange islands at

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    that's one slithery . Maybe should do this as a for their hunts. For more about weird massages, visit

  19. 16. srp

    is real. No word as to why the city never bothered to sue up until came out when Batman was around for nearly 70 years at that point. For more about weird lawsuits, visit

  20. 15. srp

    It's almost mind-boggling. RT : What was she thinking?? //Woman Arrested For Driving With A Pool On The Roof, With Kids In It


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