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Sign up for the Amazon Prime Free Trial

Amazon Prime Free Trial members enjoy all the same benefits as paid members.

To sign up for the Amazon Prime free trial, your account must have a current, valid credit card. Payment options such as an Corporate Line of Credit, checking accounts, pre-paid credit cards, or gift cards cannot be used.

To sign up for the Amazon Prime free trial:
  1. Go to Amazon Prime Free Trial ( Full Site).
  2. Click Start your free trial.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions if prompted.

You are enrolled in the free trial of Amazon Prime and have access to FREE Two Day shipping, Prime Video, Prime Music, and access to the Kindle Owners' Lending Library. For more information about Amazon Prime, go to Amazon Prime Terms & Conditions.


  • While you won't be charged for your free trial, you will be automatically upgraded to a paid membership plan at the end of the trial period. For help turning off your Amazon Prime membership renewal, go to End Your Amazon Prime Membership.