The Eurogamer Staff was founded in September 1999 and has been covering video games ever since. The site began life with a PC focus and a keen interest in the competitive FPS scene of the time, but over the years it has grown to cover every aspect of gaming - PC, console, indie, board games and anything else that the team and the site's readers find interesting.

If you want to get in touch with the editorial team, please use the contact form or Twitter. If you are seeking news coverage specifically, please contact the news team.

If you're interested in how we work, you should take a look at the How We Work page.

If you want to advertise on Eurogamer, please contact Dan Robinson on +44 (0)1273 746 864 or choose the advertising option on the contact form.

Eurogamer Editorial


Oli Welsh


Oli became editor of in 2014, having worked as deputy editor since early 2012. He has been voted the best-dressed man in video games by his colleagues (who, to be fair, mostly dress like thugs and lumberjacks).

  • Username: oli

Wesley Yin-Poole

Deputy Editor,

Wesley is Eurogamer's news editor and watches over our news department. He's passionate about news journalism and under his guidance news (stop saying 'news') has become one of Eurogamer's greatest strengths. He's also a massive fighting game fan - if you really want to annoy him, try calling then "beat-'em-ups" within his earshot...


Martin Robinson

Feature and Reviews Editor,

As features and reviews editor, Martin is responsible for commissioning, editing and writing much of Eurogamer's long-form content in collaboration with our staff of full-time writers and freelance contributors. He loves cars so much it hurts (them and him).


Robert Purchese

Senior Staff Writer,

Bertie's been here for years, lingering like a determined weed between paving slabs. He covers a range of games and tries to find a story wherever there's one to be told. He seems to go to Poland a lot.


Christian Donlan

Associate Editor,

Christian contributed to Eurogamer on a freelance basis for four years before we realised we should probably hire him because he's really talented and popular. He also writes a TV show in his spare time.


Richard Leadbetter

Technology editor,

Rich has spent 20 years writing about games, mainly for magazines the youngsters of today haven't even heard of. Today he writes for Eurogamer about things too technical for the rest of us to understand and uses words like "hypervisor" in a serious context.


Tom Phillips

Deputy News Editor,

Tom grew up somewhere in the top-right of England, but when we offered him the chance to put things on the internet and stuff he immediately fled south to join us, as long as he got rid of his suspicious beard.


Jeffrey Matulef

US News Editor,

US-based Jeffrey joined Eurogamer in 2012 to help cover the world of gaming while we're asleep or drunk. He has a predilection for cool indie stuff and has brilliant facial hair.

Matt Reynolds

Guides Editor,

Matt is Eurogamer's new Guides Editor, responsible for walkthroughs, tips and other resources. He's a very nice man.

Chris Tapsell

Guides Writer,

Chris is Eurogamer's new Guides writer, and infinitely handsome. Don't ask him about Pokémon. Really, don't.

Video team

Johnny Chiodini

Senior Video Producer,

Johnny joined Eurogamer's video team in early 2015 to help Ian feel less lonely and to show us all his tattoos. He's a fan of board games and creator of the excellent Low Batteries series on mental health. Did we mention his tattoos?


Ian Higton

Video Producer,

Ian "Greeting Gamsers" Higton joined Eurogamer at the end of 2012 to head up our YouTube channel, and can often be found playing games and dying a lot during live streams or shouting one of his catchphrases. Blessed with an easy smile but a questionable bead necklace.

Aoife Wilson

Video Producer,

Aoife also joined the video team in 2015, and along with Johnny forms its London-based half. We'd invite her down to the office more often but her unquestioning love of Final Fantasy means she's banned.

Chris Bratt

Video Producer,

Northerner Chris Bratt jumped aboard the Eurogamer ship at the same time as Aoife and Johnny, and bravely commuted back to Croydon at the end of each day. A king of strategy, simus and other games no one else plays, Chris also makes a lovely cup of tea.


Simon Parkin, Dan Whitehead, Rich Stanton, Damien McFerran, Thomas Morgan, David Bierton, John Linneman, Chris Schilling, Rob Fahey, Martin Davies, Joao Diniz Sanches, John Teti, Matt Edwards, Paul Dean, Martyn Carroll, Alec Meer, Rich Cobbett, Stace Harman.



Mark Kennedy

Technical Director

Mark's been here through several iterations of the website and wrote most of the code that makes it buzz and whirr. He also fights off internet terrorists when they try and take us down like in Die Hard 4.


Craig Munro

Senior Developer

Craig does the same sort of thing as Mark, but is more handsome. He also emails us occasionally trying to convince us to give blood, which is very noble, although his method of collecting it is a bit suspicious.


Geoff Wright

Systems Manager

If Mark fights off internet terrorists, Geoff is the one who puts in the final boot. He ensures our sites don't fall off the internet. He only uses computers via terminal, and refuses to acknowledge GUIs exist.

Brendan Smith

Senior Software Developer

Brendan turned up at Eurogamer in 2013 wearing an N7 T-shirt so we knew he liked games. An accomplished coder, "Brendo" is now in charge of making our site look prettier, which probably means getting rid of any pictures of us.

Business and Sales


Dan Robinson

Sales director,

Dan joined Eurogamer in 2006 and is responsible for the network's advertising. He likes to eat crisps while playing FIFA, which is not popular.


Ben Whitmore

Ad Trafficker,

Ben joined Eurogamer in 2011 and is responsible for making sure all the adverts that pay for our kids' education go up on the site without exploding the internet.


Rupert Loman

Founder and CEO

Rupert is the boss and founder of Gamer Network, and is responsible for the day-to-day running of the company and making long-term plans for our expansion, such as putting hose-pipes in our mouths and turning the tap on really quickly.



Tom Champion

Features Manager, Gamer Events

Tom, or 'Tom C' as he's affectionately but unimaginatively known, joined Eurogamer in May 2009 to help with the Eurogamer Expo, these days known as EGX London. He was so good at peeling Blu-Tack off the walls that we let him stay. These days he works on all of Gamer Network's growing stable of events.


David Lilley

Managing Director, Gamer Events

David has been in the games industry for two decades now. He's responsible for the events side of the Gamer Network business, booking the games and making sure we all get on the bus at the end of the EGX.

Notable alumni


Tom Bramwell

Deputy editor, Editor, Editor-in-chief, 2000-2014

Tom edited Eurogamer since the beginning of 2008 and worked on the site since 2000, leaving in 2014 to try a new career down t' mines. He lives on the south coast of England with his family and his collection of pristine Super Nintendo RPGs. (Mint condition Final Fantasy 3 ZOMG.)


Ellie Gibson

Associate Features Editor,

Ellie previously edited our sister site GamesIndustry International, but found the dress code restrictive and returned to Eurogamer in January 2008. Ellie edited our long-term investigations and dabbled in reviews and features herself from time to time - usually if they involve animals fighting or having it off. Ellie left to pursue a career in the circus.

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