Cliffside Gas Field and Crude Helium Enrichment Unit Sign

Stewardship of the Federal Helium Program

The Helium Stewardship Act of 2013 (HSA) seeks to mitigate a helium shortage by enabling the Secretary of the Interior, acting through the Director of the BLM to continue to sell crude helium from the Federal Helium Reserve. The law draws on recommendations from a wide variety of stakeholders to establish a responsible management strategy for the Federal Helium Reserve.

The HSA requires the BLM to make the information below relating to the Federal Helium System available online.



Notice of Crude Helium Auction and Sale for Fiscal Year 2017 Delivery

GAO Report to Congress, April 2015

Plant Outages

For each plant outage, a description of the beginning and end of the outage, including the pressure of the pipeline or deviation from the normal operation of the pipeline and, if unplanned, the nature of the problem.

Monthly summaries of meetings and communications

Monthly summaries of meetings and communications between the Bureau of Land Management and the Cliffside Refiners Limited Partnership, including a list of participants and an indication of any actions taken as a result of the meetings or communications

Current predictions of the lifespan of the Federal Helium System

Current predictions of the lifespan of the Federal helium system, including how much longer the crude helium supply will be available based on current and forecasted demand and the projected maximum production capacity of the Federal helium system for the following fiscal year.

Methodology for Calculating Helium Price

Bush Dome Helium Reservoir: Annual Helium Conference July 21, 2016

Prediction Results Tables (2021-2029) Estimated Production as developed by Nitec, LLC.

Helium Stewardship (HSA) Implementation

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