View of the water at San Pedro NCA in Arizona. Photo by Bob Wick, BLM.

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Featured Partnerships

The BLM is an active participant in the Creeks and Communities Strategy.  Creeks and Communities is a network of teams and individuals among federal and state agencies, non-government organizations, universities, and private affiliates, implementing the Creeks and Communities Strategy at the state and regional scale.  The strategy includes several objectives:

  • To create awareness and understanding of riparian and wetland management and invite participation across multiple scales such as local, regional or national initiatives or partnerships.
  • To provide tools, such as trainings and workshops in assessment, restoration and monitoring of riparian areas, to increase understanding of riparian wetland function to individuals and groups with diverse interests.
  • To provide land managers, local communities and other interested stakeholders with assistance in developing solutions to management challenges. 
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Regional Partners

  • State 1
  • State 2
  • State 3