Asthma Control and Self Management

A person’s level of asthma control is based on two components:  impairment and risk. Impairment includes the frequency of symptoms, nighttime awakenings, interference with normal activities, short-acting beta-agonist (emergency medication) use, and lung function.  Risk includes the frequency of asthma episodes, and the frequency of treatment-related side effects.  An essential part of asthma self-management is the use of prescribed medications to prevent asthma symptoms (controller medications) and relieve sudden asthma episodes (reliever medications). Georgia data from 2006-2009 suggest that 29% of children with current asthma reported not using any prescribed medica­tions to control their asthma over the past 12 months and only 44% children are using both control and reliever (rescue) medications.

Tips to Control Asthma Symptoms

  • Reduce exposure to your triggers
  • Understand and manage your allergies
  • Work with your doctor to create an Asthma Action Plan and an Asthma Care Plan
  • Use maintenance/controller medications daily, as recommended by your primary care provider
  • Keep your routine asthma wellness visits with you primary care provider and review your Asthma Care Plan
  • Know your symptoms and early warning signs of an asthma episode
  • Complete the Asthma Home Environment Checklist to identify and address triggers inside your home that could cause and an asthma episode
  • Ask your primary care provider about participating in asthma self-management classes

Additional Resources

2015 Georgia Asthma Control Program & Data Summary

Become an Certified Asthma Educator

Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma (EPR-3)