Today's Forest | South Dakota Department of Agriculture

Today's Forest - Forest Health Videos

Mountain Pine Beetle Behavior & Background

Featuring Dr. John Ball, SDSU Extension Forestry Expert & Kurt Allen USDA Forest Service Entomologist

Mountain Pine Beetles, a native pest in pine forests throughout the country, have been infesting forests in South Dakota for years. If left undressed, these pests can cause serious damage to tree stands and woodland properties. Learn how to identify the symptoms of a Mountain Pine Beetle infestation and what measures you can take to control them in this Today's Forest video workshop.


Mountain Pine Beetle ID

Featuring John Ball, SDSU Extension Forestry Specialist & Kurt Allen, USDA Forest Service Entomologist

Even though Mountain Pine Beetles are no bigger than the tip of a match or the head of a pencil, they work together to leave a path of devastation, multiplying beneath the bark while killing their host tree.
The life cycle begins when adult beetles tunnel through the bark of trees from the beginning of August until around mid-September. Learn to identify the signs of an infestation and strategies for disposing of the infested tree in this video.


Beetles & Borers

Featuring Kurt Allen, USDA Forest Service Entomologist

Though Mountain Pine Beetles claim much of the spotlight and their share of attention for damaging Black Hills pine forests, Kurt Allen, USDA Forest Service Entomologist, says other bark beetles and wood borers are also taking a bite out of the state’s forests. He describes two common culprits in this video.


Weed Control & Tree Health

Featuring John Ball, SDSU Extension Forestry Specialist

While common chemicals for weed control, such as picloram and tordon, can be effective for controlling invasive weeds like Canada Thistle, improper application can result in tree abnormalities and even death. Learn some key strategies for defending your forest property from some common invasive weeds while watching out for pesticides that may cause problems with trees and soil in woodland settings.


Managing Weeds

Featuring John Ball, SDSU Extension Forestry Specialist

Controlling noxious weeds without jeopardizing tree health is a challenge many landowners face while managing forest land. "While weeds are usually not a major problem for mature trees, they can interfere with survival of young trees,” says John Ball, South Dakota State University (SDSU) Cooperative Extension Forester and Forest Health Specialist for the South Dakota Department of Agriculture. He runs through a list of noxious weeds that can cause problems for South Dakota foresters while outlining safe weed control solutions in a Today’s Forest Video Workshop.