ONRR eCommerce Web Reporting FAQ's
ONRR Web Reporting FAQ's

Registration and Passwords Creating Documents Uploading Files Exporting Data

Q: Is it necessary to register before using the ONRR Reporting website? Back to top

Yes, all users are required to fill out an eMARF form. For more information on how to complete the eMARF form to gain access to the ecommerce site go to: www.onrr.gov. It is important to review and complete all registration fields, as this allows ONRR to communicate with you more effectively. Periodically email messages, including lost or forgotten passwords, are sent only to the email address on the eMARF Form.

Please remember to update the registration form whenever any registration information changes.

Q: Do any special arrangements or agreements need to be made between my company and ONRR before sending electronic data? Back to top

No. Electronic reporting is required as outlined in 30 CFR Parts 210.52, 216.50 and 216.53. Additionally, electronic reporting policies specifying the sending and receiving parties responsibilities are located at http://www.onrr.gov/FM/ElecComm/ERG.htm

Q: How do I change my password? Back to top

to change your password, you must contact the BOEMRE Help Desk either by phone at (877) 256-6260 or (303) 231-3333 or by e-mail at BOEMREHelpDesk@boemre.gov.

Q: How many characters should my password contain? Back to top

Your new password must meet the following rules:

  • At least 12 characters.
  • Has not been used in the last 24 passwords.
  • Must not have been changed within the last 24 hours.
  • Does not contain your account name or your full name.
  • Contains at least three of the following:
  • English uppercase letters (A through Z).
  • English lowercase letters (a through z).
  • Numerals (0 through 9).
  • Non-alphabetic characters (such as $, #, %,!).

Q: What if I forget my password? Back to top

If you forget your password, you must contact the BOEMRE Help Desk either by phone at (877) 256-6260 or (303) 231-3333 or by e-mail at BOEMREHelpDesk@boemre.gov.

Q: I recently changed my password, but now when I attempt to log in I see an error. Why can't I log in? Back to top

The first time you enter a new password, Windows may ask you if you want your computer to remember your password. If you say yes, and then later change your password, Windows will not recognize the correct password. We recommend, for security and other reasons, that you not use this feature. To remove this feature, take the following steps:

  • Open Internet Explorer
  • Go to TOOLS -> Internet Options
  • Click on the "Content" tab
  • Click on the AutoComplete button
  • You can either take the check out of the "Prompt Me to Save Passwords," or
  • Click "Clear Passwords" to clear ALL passwords saved to your computer. You will then be asked to retype all passwords when you enter the sites, and those passwords will be remembered.
  • If you've changed your password, remove the old password and type in the new password. A window will pop up asking "The password you entered does not match the password stored in Windows for this user name. Do you want to change the password stored in Windows to your new entry?" Say "Yes" and the new password will be stored.
  • If you are still unable to log onto the eCommerce Reporting Website, contact BOEMRE Customer Support for assistance:

    Direct: 303-231-3333

    Toll Free: 877-256-6260


Q: If I experience problems logging into the website or have other technical difficulties, whom should I contact for assistance?

Contact BOEMRE Customer Support at 877-256-6260 or BOEMREHelpDesk@boemre.gov for assistance. BOEMRE Customer Support can help with all technical issues but cannot assist with report preparation.

Q: Is it necessary to upload a file to create my document? Back to top

No, you can create a document by clicking New 2014, New OGOR or New PASR buttons and completing the appropriate fields on the form. For additional help creating a document see the eCommerce Reporting Website User Guide: eCommerce_Reporting_Website_User_Guide.pdf

Q: When I enter a whole number into a volume or value field will a decimal appear? Back to top

When the document is saved, the decimal will appear after the whole number. However, if you enter a number such as 100.04, the decimal must be included when entering the numbers into that field. This also applies to uploaded documents. Additional information about CSV file types can be found in section 9 of the Minerals Revenue Reporter Handbook, as well as in the Electronic Reporting section in Appendix A: http://www.onrr.gov/FM/PDFDocs/RevenueHandbook.pdf.

Q: After preparing a document and clicking "Send", a popup message appears saying "Your document has been successfully received by ONRR for processing." What does this mean? Back to top

The popup message means ONRR has received your document for processing. Once "Send" is clicked, documents cannot be recalled.

Q: What should I do if my Internet connection is dropped after I click "Send" but before the popup confirmation message appears? Back to top

If your connection is lost while sending, re-establish your Internet connection, go to the Documents List and check the status of the document. If the document status shows "Sent", the document was successfully sent.

If the document status shows "Open", the document was not sent and you will need to open the document and click "Send" again.

Q: How long will the reports remain on the Documents List? Back to top

Reports remain on the Documents List for six months. For prior period adjustments and record retention requirements, you must save a copy of your report data to your local hard drive

If you have imported files, maintain those files on your PC or back up in a safe place.

If you manually complete documents, print a copy of the report, or create an export CSV or ASCII file on a local directory or disk.

Q: How do I print a document? Back to top

  1. You can print a document by clicking the "Print" button located next to that document in the Documents List.
  2. You can print a document by clicking the "Print" button located within each form.
  3. Within a document you can use the browser’s print function to print the document.

Q: When I have questions completing a specific field on any document, who should I contact for assistance? Back to top

Once you open a document, a "Field Help" button is located at the top of each form. Field Help contains information pertaining to each individual field and provides basic instructions or descriptions of what to input in each field.

You may also contact your ONRR representative who will provide detailed information. The names and phone numbers for ONRR assistance can be found at http://www.onrr.gov/FM/ElecRepting/default.htm.

Q: The status of my uploaded document still displays "Pending" (for an unusual length of time.) What should I do? Back to top

If you wait more than 10 minutes for the status to change to "Complete", check the extension name on your file. If the file name does not have an appropriate extension, your file will never import. When you upload files, be sure they have the appropriate extension. (.csv, .txt, .zip)

Q: I have uploaded a file and clicked the "Upload History" tab. How do I know if any errors exist and how do I view them? Back to top

If you have errors, the word Error will show in the status column of the "Upload History" screen. This word is a link. Click "Error" to view and print the errors. You must correct the errors on the original file and restart the upload process.

Q: I have completed the upload process and want to view the status of the file. How do I know when the current status appears? Back to top

Click the "Upload History" tab on the main navigation bar and locate your file. This screen refreshes every 30 seconds. You may also look at the Documents List page and see a "Current Upload Status" section that contains a list of any documents that were uploaded in the last 24 hours.

Q: I have completed the upload process. Where do I view and send documents to ONRR? Back to top

To view and send your recently uploaded document, go to the Documents List. Locate the document and click "Edit". Once the document page opens click the "Validate" button. If there are no errors you can click the "Send" button to send your document to ONRR.

Q: I have uploaded a file and I received errors. How do I correct these errors? Back to top

If the .csv or ASCII file being uploaded contains over 25,000 records, compress it into a zip file prior to upload.

If the .csv or ASCII file being uploaded contains over 50,000 records, you must split the report into separate files, each containing less than 50,000 records.

To avoid repetitive errors each month, correct the errors in the .csv/ASCII files or spreadsheet layout. You may contact an ONRR Representative at 877-256-6260. For guidance with your layouts, reference section 9.3 of the Reporter Handbook. http://www.onrr.gov/FM/PDFDocs/RevenueHandbook.pdf.

Q: I have uploaded my file and errors regarding field sizes appear. When I look at the file the field sizes appear the same as before. What is wrong with the file? Back to top

Check your file layout against the most recent ONRR .csv/ASCII Layouts. Other corrections may have been made to these layouts. The most recent layouts are at http://www.onrr.gov/FM/ElecRepting/default.htm.

Q: Can more than one file be imported at a time? Back to top

Yes, if the files are compressed into a zip file, the import process allows reporters to upload more than one file. Zip all files to be uploaded into a single file. Be sure the file name has a .zip extension.

Q: How does the upload process handle a file containing more than one document? Back to top

If you have a .zip file all files are uploaded to the server. The files are automatically separated during the import process. If there are errors on any one document, none of the documents from that specific file are loaded. However, any other error-free documents from other files are loaded to the Document List for editing and sending.

You must correct the errors for the one document to allow the others from a file to load.

Q: Can I delete files from the "Upload History" page? Back to top

No, it is not possible to delete a file from the "Upload History" page. Files are removed from the "Upload History" page after 10 days.

Q: How do I export a document? Back to top

You can export a document to a .csv or ASCII format by clicking the "CSV" or "Fixed" links from the Documents List. This functionality creates a file that may be used in your company's internal process or for making adjustments.

Q: When exporting a document, which format should I select? Back to top

Normally you would export the document to the same format the original uploaded file was created in. If .csv, use the "CSV" link. If ASCII, use the "Fixed" link.

In some cases you may want to import a ASCII file, but export it to a .csv file in order to import into Microsoft Excel.

If a document was created without uploading a file, you can still export the document data using the format that best fits your needs.

Q: Can exported files be imported back into the forms? Back to top

Exporting a file does not delete it from the Documents List. If you make changes to an exported file you must upload it to the website and delete the older version from the Documents List.