Query Utah Health Care Data

Utah Open Data

View and analyze data provided by the OHCS in one easy to view catalog. Create charts and graphs, filter and summarize data, and develop maps with the open data.

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Public Health Indicator Based Information System (IBIS)

This site provides statistical numerical data as well as contextual information on the health status of Utahns and the state of Utah’s health care system.


Utah Health Care Facility Comparison

View quality ratings to learn about a health care facility that you or someone you care about will go to for treatment.


Utah Healthscape


What is the cost of having a baby in Utah?

Find out what you’ll pay to have a baby where you live and across the state. Use the information to help you plan, negotiate prices and ask questions.Here you’ll find a comprehensive listing of Utah doctors, hospitals, clinics, medical groups, and health insurance companies, along with objective quality measurements and patient satisfaction information to help you find great care for you and your family.

View Utah Healthscape: Maternity Costs