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Trump is for Georgia
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November 8th


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October 11th 

Georgia Issues

Jobs and the Economy

Mr. Trump wants to reform the tax code and trade policies to make it easier to hire, invest, build, grow, and produce and manufacture in America.

Keep American Businesses In America

Mr. Trump will stop China from stealing our jobs, renegotiate NAFTA, cut unneeded regulations and make America the best place in the world to do business and hire workers. Putting America First -- and not globalism -- will keep jobs and wealth in America.

Tax Reform

Mr. Trump will cut business taxes to 15%, reduce individual rates to three brackets -- 12%, 25% and 33% -- with a 0% rate for many individuals. He will add above-the-line deduction for childcare costs, including for stay-at-home parents.

National Debt

Mr. Trump will create high-paying jobs to bring growth to our stagnant economy, reducing deficits and spending. He will rebuild our military and ensure that veterans receive top quality medical care. His administration will rebuild our infrastructure and end government corruption. It’s time to rein in wasteful spending to put our ballooning deficits on a long-term path to balance.



Republican Atlanta Field Headquarters

8607 Roberts Drive Suite 125
Atlanta, GA 30350

How Obama-Clinton Policies Have Hurt Georgia

Rebuilding Georgia

Failed Obama-Clinton policies have promoted globalization and caused devastating effects, with jobs, wealth and industry being shipped overseas. Mr. Trump will bring back jobs to Georgia, and promote policy that improves infrastructure, education and the economy.

Fixing The Obamacare Disaster

The Affordable Care Act has failed MISERABLY and it needs to be repealed. Mr. Trump is committed to repealing and replacing Obamacare with health care that benefits everyone.

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