Capacity factors at Danish offshore wind farms

Posted by – 2017/01/26

monthlygenHere are the average capacity factors of every Danish offshore wind farm, newly updated to include data to the end of 2016. The Anholt 1 windfarm, which only opened in 2013, hit an average capacity factor of 47.4% for the full year 2016. Compare these with the capacity factors for UKoffshore wind farms. Thanks to the wonderful statisticians and data managers at ENS and Energinet.DK, we have a large amount of detailed data from Danish onshore and offshore wind farms.

Danish windfarms also include the most productive wind turbines in the world, at Rønland I: the turbines have been operating for over 14 years now, with a lifetime capacity factor of 44.5%; of its eight turbines, four are rated at 2.3MW peak power, and each of those four had by the end of July 2014 generated over 100 GWh: the first turbines to pass that milestone.

All numbers are to the end of December 2016. Analysis by Raw data from ens.dkLatest
elec. gen.
Rolling annual
capacity factors
(click to enlarge)
Total41.6%41.2%127138 487Total
Anholt 147.4%48.1% 3.8399.66 312Anholt 1
Avedøre Holme33.7%38.1% 6.510.8234Avedøre Holme
Horns Rev I40.7%41.9%14.21608 335Horns Rev I
Horns Rev II47.1%47.7% 7.3209.36 416Horns Rev II
Middelgrunden24.0%25.5%16.0401 429Middelgrunden
Nysted (Rødsand) I34.1%37.1%13.6165.67 286Nysted (Rødsand) I
Nysted (Rødsand) II39.3%43.6% 6.52075 178Nysted (Rødsand) II
Rønland I44.5%44.4%14.017.2934Rønland I
Samsø33.4%39.2%13.9231 097Samsø
Sprogø29.9%34.6% 7.221457Sprogø
Tunø Knob28.5%30.2%21.65286Tunø Knob
Vindeby 4.0%22.2%25.44.95244Vindeby

Calculation method

Just as with the UK offshore windfarm capacity factors, these capacity factors are calculated by calculating, for each turbine in a given wind farm, the number of hours since it was first connected to the grid. This is then multiplied by its capacity, to give the number of peak-MW-hours. These figures are summed across all turbines in a wind farm, and divided into the total energy generated by that wind farm, to give its capacity factor.


ENS register of Danish wind turbines: thanks to ENS and to Energinet.DK for making the turbine-specific data behind this table available. This post gets updated as new data becomes available.

7 Comments on Capacity factors at Danish offshore wind farms

  1. Now:: Capacity factors at Danish offshore wind farms #offshorewind

  2. RT @EnergyNumbers: 40%+ capacity factors at Danish offshore wind farms #offshorewind

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